
Joined: April 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 165944


what if i can't forget you?

Ohai, i'm amber, obviously. ._. i'm seventeen, single. i'm in love with a guy i don't even know. sounds crazy, right? well, yeah. i always want what i can't have, and i hate that. you can get to know me if you want, but i'll warn you, you'll get annoyed by me and probably end up hating me. nbd. i don't trust anyone, so don't take it personally if i don't open up to you about my problems. i like to vent. alot. sometimes about pointless things, other times about things that could possibly break your heart. i've been through alot in my life and i finally found a site that none of my friends know, so i can say things and not be judged irl. that is all. -amber.
 ^you can add me on facebook if you'd like. c
and/or follow me on tumblr:
i just can't get over you.

Quotes by AmberMariexo



i can't do this anymore.

I mean, live without him.

every day is just getting worse.

He's moved on while I'm still heartbroken.

Jake, I hope you know you broke me.

Are are you happy?

well, bye.




I just realized

that the word "short"

i s  l o  n g e r  t h a n  t h e  w o r d  " l o n g ."



sometimes i wonder w.hat you think of me,♥
or if you think of me at all.


 Dear Jake,
instead of writing a whole novel on how much i love and miss you, i'll make this short.

I just want you to know that, I realize I ruined it between us.

But do you remember when you said we'd be together forever?

Or when you said I was your everything?

Well I do.

All the words you said, they just keep replaying in my head, over and over again.

I hope your new girlfriend realizes how amazing you are and I hope you guys last.

Make it be the forever we never had.

Nothing is wrong in particular, it's just...

Have you ever missed someone it hurt?

Every part of you is aching to talk to them even though you know it's not even an option

to say hello.


we all have that one friend 
that has to make everything perverted.


Once they stop talking  to you,
they start talking about you.

Of course
she's going to say she's happy for you       
and flash that oh-so-famous smile,      
but look into those
»baby,  you broke her .
