
Joined: December 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251067

Quotes by allsmiles27

I Don't Get It,
how can i love someone,
but whenever we're together he feels like a stranger to me..........

A relationship without trust is like a phone without service. & what do you do with a phone without service?

Life is like a confused teacher..........first she gives the tests and then teaches the lessons.

                                                         - Drake

There's that one thing about you that keeps me up all night wishing you were mine. Your cheeky smile is what makes you beautiful but everything about you is so wonderful and amazing. I always make the same mistakes while talking to you; i wish i would stop being a fool but i want you to know it's gotta be you that should be with me, and even if you're taken, tell me a lie and let me have you tonight in my arms. I need you more than this, more than anything. You stole my heart but you don't need to give it back, ever.

No matter how good or bad you think your life is, wake up each day and be THANKFUL for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to SURVIVE.

Friends are your friends for a while, best friends are your friends until the world ends.

It is better to let go of something than to hold onto nothing.

You know you are in Love when you can't fall asleep because Reality is finally Better than your Dreams      
                                       ~  Dr. Seuss

What does a nosey pepper do?

Gets jalapeno buisness