
Joined: November 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 242599
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And you've got a smile,
that could light up this whole town.
Hey, I'm Kate. I'm 16 years young from a small town. I am a prep-opt advance gymnast who was a state champion last year. Also, I am a believer, over achiever, and a music lover. I like to listen to Gym class Heroes, NeverShoutNever, The Fray, Colbra Starship, The Ready Set, Stevie Nicks, Taylor Swift, and just about everything else. I love the New England Patriots especially Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski (The Gronk), The New York Yankees, The Celtics, and The Bruins. Feel free to fave one of my quote, comment, and follow me (I follow back). <3
"You can never cross the ocean, unless you lose sight of the shore"


Quotes by alittle2kate

I wish I could find the perfect lyrics

   to the perfect love song to show

                          how perfect you are

I wanna to be the girl HE’S SCARED TO LOSE.

the one where he [ can’t ] walk away

from knowing she’s MAD *at* him,

the one who can’t fall asleep without

her voice being the last one he hears ;;





I wish I could have him.


I really just want to go back in time and relive every moment in my life, and fix all the mistakes and cherish the ones I miss. 

14 days until Christmas. <3



Xmas should be banned. You can never replace Christ in Christmas with an X in Xmas. It just doesn’t work. 

I hate it when someone will ignore you on purpose because they know how much it annoys you. 

That moment when you freak out because you can’t find your phone, then you realize you were just sitting on it.

You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.

                                                   -John Wooden

Having a bad day?

Hold your hand over your heart

Feel that?

That beating?

That’s called purpose.

You’re alive for a reason.

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