
Status: Stephen. Maddie. Boots. <---- My Life.
Joined: June 21, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 310829
Location: Dead and gone.
Gender: F
I've realized that you can only start over, so many times. I'm done starting over, I'm done trying to find love. When it all come down to it, My daughter is all i have in life. She's the only reason i keep myself alive. Everyone i've ever trusted hurt me, except her. I'm fine with coming home to just her. Yeah, it sucks that i don't have a man to love me and protect me and maddie. And yes, it's hard sometimes. But i'll learn to live with it. As long as maddie's happy i'm happy.No more searching for love, She's all the love i need. Stephen, I love you. Jay, I love you. Goodbye everyone. So long.

Quotes by Zombiee


Leaving Witty.  
Hey guys, Mollie here.    Just wanted to tell you guys, Witty will no longer be apart of my life. I think its time to move on, ya know? I've met great people and made great memories. But it's time to move on to greater things. I'm sorry if i'm making this sound all emotional and stuff, i don't mean to. Um,  I'll mis all of my friends that i have made on witty, i have to say, Witty has it's ups and it's downs. Goodbye everyone. Even if we have bumped heads, or didn't get along, Goodbye and i wish you luck with your lives. :)  

I love you so much, So much....I knew it would ruin our friendship but i still wanted to try..Then you told me i made you happy....i believed you, you told me you loved me...i believed you...i honostly thought me and you would be together for along time, you made Maddie happy, and i thought you were finally the one..that after searching and searching, i found you. I just...I know your happier without me, it just...sucks...we never talk anymore.....i lost you.....i guess it's my fault, right? if i would have kept my feelings to myself i would still have you...i ruin everything....god..


6033860 added by Breeze to inspirational on 18 Jul 2012 at 11:00pm
  f       ●     t       x 


And you thought this was 2 quotes. ;P
The real fave button is now the second one ;D

Double quote format by Breeze (don't you dare remove this)


Pretending to  
  work hard when you're teacher looks at you.


Please Maddie, 
  Be strong for mommy. I love you so much.  Be  strong. Please.

♬ ~Nuff said. 


Your lips tremble                                                                                                |||||||||| 
but your eyes are in a straight stare.


You're love.   
 The best gift you can give a girl.
{ x } { o } { x

Radio: "Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby."
Maddie: I like whistles.

Guy Fact: When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you.

Girl Fact: When a girl is quiet, Millions of things are runnng threw her mind.

Guy Fact: When a guy stare at you, He thinks your the most beautiful thing in the world.

Girl Fact:  When a girl stares at you, She's wondering why you are lying.

Guy Fact:  When you are laying your head on a guys chest, He has the world.

Girl Fact: When a girl lays on your chest, She's wishing you would be her lover.

Guy Fact: When a guy calls you everyday, He's in love.

Girl Fact: When a girls calls you everyday, She is seeking for your attention.

Guy Fact: When a guy says i misses you, He misses you more the you could have missed him.

Girl Fact: When a girl says she misses you, No one in the world could miss you more than that.

Guy Fact: When a guy is in love and says i love you, He means it.

Girl Fact: When a guy is in love and says i love you, She means it.