
Joined: February 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 155042
Hey guys! :) im just here to make some quotes and see what happens:). im not gonna beg you for faves. just comment, i know im not perfect:)
love you guys

Zhenya211's Favorite Quotes

The Girl Code

Girl Code Rule #1 : Any guy that made you cry is not worth your time. Nor, your friends time.

Girl Code Rule #2 : You can not date any of your  friends  ex's. It's just weird.

Girl Code Rule #3 : It is your duty to, if a boy breaks your friends heart, you break his face. Or his back, whichever you prefer.

Girl Code Rule #4 : You must agree with rules 1, 2 and 3.

Because lately, I just keep hearing people blame love.  But love doesn't walk away, people do.

&i'm worn out fighting
{i spend every night crying}

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
I'm not a perfect girl,
my hair
doesn't always stay in place &
spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy &
sometimes i have a
broken heart.
my friends and i sometimes fight &
maybe some days
nothing goes right.
but then i think about it & take a step back
i remember how amazing life truly is
& that maybe, just maybe i like being



So tell me darling do you wish we'd fall in love,
all the time?

your mommy:
she carried you around for 9 months in her belly
she tries to raise you so that you can be the best you can be
she helps you with everything & she understands how you feel.
she takes care of you when you're sick
she cooks you dinner everyday, and buys you clothes, and
other stuff that you desire. sometimes, we take our moms
for granted, but in reality, where would we be without this
amazing woman? we should try & give back to her, and
help out around the house more often, do things
that she'll appreciate, she'll love it, guaranteed,

fave if you love your mom,
and would be no where without her.

♥ ♥

“ Tomorrow is not a promise, but a chance.”
I'll grow old,
And start acting my age.

I'll be a brand new day,
In a life that you hate.
A crown of gold,
A heart that's harder than stone,
And it hurts a whole lot
But it's missed when it's gone...<3  

                             - The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot. -JakeWolf Cover <3