
Joined: April 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 169582
Hi witty! ♥
I made this account cause my friends found my other one :/ so im using this to vent when i really need it! Feel free to follow/fave/comment ♥

Quotes by Xxsecrets30

And the worst feeling is when you both miss and want eachother, but still can't have eachother. ♥


You're an athlete.  
You miss all the parties for late night practices,
you devote every weekend to every game,
whether you have plans or not,
you go outside in 30 degree weather just to practice on your own,
big games don't intimidate you,
only make you play even better,
your teammates are your real family,
they push you, help you, and laugh with you,
every point, steal, pass give you motivation to keep going,
and every turnover and fall tell you to try harder,
coaches condition you, teach you, and motivate you,
fans cheer for you,
whether your winning or losing,
some say is just a sport,
but to you its much more than that;
is a passion, a love.
its your life,

and you wouldnt trade it for anything . ♥

January 4th


It's the first day back from school after Christmas vacation, and i wake up to an alarm clock at approximately 6:07. I should've gone to bed earlier last night, but I was dealing with too much drama for a good nights rest. I grabbed a small breakfast and went back to my room to change and apply my makeup. I looked out my window to see light snow falling from the gray sky. I threw my Northface over my striped shirt i recieved for Christmas, and started down my street. The bus picks me up at the end of my road, so I trudged through the snow and wished i had a hood so the snow wouldn't mess up my perfectly straightened hair.

I stepped on the bus and sat in my usual seat next to Lexi. Of course we just had to brag to eachother about our Christmas presents. We lived in a richer community than most, so Christmas presents were usually nothing less than amazing.

Pulling into the school lot reminded me how much I hated this place, the students, and the teachers. I was always begging my parents to transfer schools, but the answer was always "Jess, you're staying here." Too bad vacation had to end so soon.

Lexi and I step off the bus and heads instantly turn, since Lexi is the most gorgeous girl in school. And i stand next to her, hoping to be noticed as mush as her, like that'll ever happen. Our group of friends stood in the middle of everyone, as usual. I join the conversation, only to find out it's about the drama from last night I had been dealing with. One minute back to school and there's already drama.

 I do have to admit we are more of the popular girls, but not so popular we have a bad reputation, in which I mean labeled as "easy" or "trashy". If you look around you can easily notice the different groups; trashbags, jocks, nerds, goths, nobodys, populars, brainiacs, you know, the usual. First bell rings, great.

Welcome to Central Middle School.


Confession 9:
I've made the mistake of trusting people, and have ended up getting hurt in the end, countless times. </3
lays on her bed, replaying all the memories,
wondering what went wrong. She was so happy with him
but she knows he doesn't want her back. He's living happily
with his new girlfriend, the prettiest girl in school.
She listens to love songs, and tears start to form in her eyes.
She picks up the phone, then drops it, he wouldn't answer her.
she can't picture herself with anyone but him.
She knows it wasn't supposed to end like this.

sits in his room, and remembers when they first met.
She had gorgeous hazel eyes and auburn hair,
to him, no girl could compare to her. But she's happy
with some other boy now. And he's stuck with some girl
he will never love the way he should. He stares at his
phone, hoping she'll give him a call, but knows
he won't hear from her. He listens to music,
but all it does is remind him of her.
He knows it wasn't supposed to end like this. 

I'm poud of my heart,
it's been played
broken and burned,
but somehow
still works. ♥♥♥

confession #8
I HATE fake people.
say your crush name 6 times
now make a wish
whats more important love or 10 million
wish again love or money
now post this in 60 sec
and u'll hav an unexpected convo w/ ur crush

Seeing all those happy couples,
and wishing you weren't single. *♥