
Joined: July 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 199781

Quotes by XxZahraXshipsXDrarryxX

I'm really fat. Yeah. Fat. Not overweight. Fat is what it's really called. I look like a freaking whale. I need to lose at least 70 pounds to be healthy, and i'll probably never be thin enough to be considered "Pretty". I've been trying to lose some. It's not working.
But I'm not going to give up.
For every fave this gets, I'll work out for an hour.
Witty is my motivation.
I love you guys.


I know this isn't a very pretty quote. I don't really care.
It's just that....My best friend moved this summer.
I really miss her. I don't have anyone to talk to like I did with her.
She might be coming back. Her mom wants her to.
She wants to stay where she is.
If I get 25 or more faves on this quote, there may be a chance she'll come back.
I need this.
I'm alone.
I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.
I have always wanted a Witty Sister or BestFriend :)
   Any volunteers? :P

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Nerdy Asian Boys! ^_^

I believe in true love
                                                                               Just never in my case.  </3 
                     When you're 

                              And you eat and eat and eat EVERYTHING you can find but you're never satisfied.....
Dear Ads,
Kindly GTFO
Sincerely, All of Witty.

Are you the Brain Specialist?
           No, I am not- Yes! Yes I am the Brain Specialist!

Who else..ships