
Joined: May 13, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 173790

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
I took the test last year and I was Gryffindor

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
But I just took it and.. wow, people change.

Quotes by WildChild443

She loves you, okay?

                   That guilty moment when
               You cover a baby's eyes
         And they start crying.

                                            A person that you can trust
                             Doesen't catch you when you  fall
                                            They won't let you fall
                                                               In the first place.

Smile, Everything Is Going To Be Okay.

Hey I know I posted this quote yesterday but here it is again Hey, witty. The thing is my brother, Robert, is running for a youth parliment but he needs people to like his Facebook page. So he's the link to the page he made if you have Facebook:


So Me and Robert would really, really appriciate it if you liked the Facebook page.

Thank you :)
Am I the only one
                            That doesen't know what Temple Run is?
Hey, witty. The thing is my brother, Robert, is running for a youth parliment but he needs people to like his Facebook page. So he's the link to the page he made if you have Facebook:


So Me and Robert would really, really appriciate it if you liked the Facebook  page.

Thank you :)

Yes, I've made mistakes in my life. But life doesen't come with i n s t r u c t i o n s .


                                                        I hate it when I go onto top quotes and I see an old quote jocked. It's like they think that everyones forgot about it so they're okay to jock.

                           Don't Jock :D

Hey I'm going to do this Talent Show and I want to do a nice song so please comment some requests of a song I can do, pleease witty people. I need you now.
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