
Joined: July 22, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 83690

Quotes by Supernatural24

I don't understand. I don't see why I can't find happiness.. when I do, its fake, never lasts. That's how every guy I find is. No matter how many times I think they are different... It's a mask, its not real.  I try to stay strong, but no one understands just how difficult that begins to be. Maybe it's not the guys I find, maybe its just ME..

What kind of girls do you like? 

Ones as beautiful as you.. too bad they're rare.

Don't walk away.

 Love is giving someone the power to destroy you,
and trusting them not to.
 If the whole world had price tags
yours would be the only one that said


all mine, no jocking(:

♦  And I'll wait for the day
   When I'll have the courage
   To go up to you and say
   "I want my heart back"  ♦

all miine<3