
Joined: August 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206026
Location: Australia
Gender: F

Hi, my name is Max and I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.

I love Doctor Who, Tumblr and chocolate :)


We Heart It:


Quotes by Superman5o5

*Phone Rings*
Me: *Sprints to phone*
Phone: Private Number
Me: *Stares*
Me: *Slowly backs away...*

I just had the most randomest thought-
What if your mum borrowed you computer when you were out, and saw Witty Profiles. Then she made an account on her computer and followed you/commented on everything etc. And you didn't know it was her! Then you started talking to her and you became Witty Best Friends and you told her all your darkest secrets...

Your mum...


   I like how you have your hair today.

Dad: Ok, so One Direction is Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis right?
Daughter: Yes, I'm so proud, you're learning! :')
Dad: Here's my theory about them in 5-10 years; Louis is gay, Liam is a straight married man with a family, Harry is a celebrity actor/solo artist, Niall opens a successful restaurant and Zayn has a rap album called "Inzayn".
Daughter: omg dat what


"You remind me of a poem I can't remember, a song that may never have existed and a place I'm not sure I've been to." -Grandpa Simpson


Pringles actually have a really bad after taste

Guess that means I'll just have to eat more 

I heard this from another room.

My innocent little brother: Dad! I got a score of 69 in footy! Isn't that great? :)
My dad: I think 69 is a pretty great number too, son.
Me from the other room: O___________O 



We have a giant storm coming, that's never happened to me before, like a cyclone WHAT IT THIS SH*T (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I really wish life had a rewind button. Then I could live through the happy moments again, and correct my actions.

But I guess everyone would be obsessed with making life perfect.

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