
Status: Hi, I'm sydney. I'm 16, I love to make people laugh, I'm always smiling, I have a simple life. Follow me and I'll follow backkk <3
Joined: October 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 335892
Gender: F
I'm a southern bell, who likes to have funnn! (;

Quotes by Southern_Sweetheart

"Fear is the path to the dark side;
Fear leads to Anger,
Anger leads to Hate,
Hate leads to Suffering"

-Master Yoda-

I don't mind spending every day,
out on the corner in the pouring rain,
look for the girl with the broken smile,
and ask her if she wants to stay a while,
and she will be lovedddd....

Yeah, She will be lovedd <3

-She Will be Loved.
I'm the kinda friend to pick you up when you fall,
but if I can't pick you up,
I'll lay down beside you and listen for a while...

I'll always be that friend.