
Status: Owl City.
Joined: February 24, 2011
Last Seen: 3 years
Birthday: March 13
user id: 154921
Location: Michigan
Gender: F

Quotes by Smiles_Like_Dat

Dominique Krause One Direction is leading people wrong.
39 minutes ago
· comment · 12 million dislike this
Emma Shandonay Can't deny the love with millions of girls who love them...

17 minutes ago ago · Like

I love how you give your

best friend that

and they know what you're talking about.♥


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Everythings great,
And that one person has to ruin the day.


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A good friend knows what happened
a best friend was there when it happened.


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I wish I had the guts
to tell him how I feel

without having friends do it for me.


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Feeling of unwanted,
When you got rejected by a guy you've been in love with for just about forever.

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He might not

say he still loves her, but he does show it.

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Got to love those world-changers.

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One Republic
Is 100 times more effect in music lyrics than
One Direction.
who's with me?

    Couple of things I remember when I was younger.

Having a blanket everywhere you went
Because you felt safer
Imaginary friends
Because you weren't old enough to hang with real friends
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