
Joined: December 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 245573

Format by fadesandformats:)

Hey everyone!

I'm Shayna

WELL. Where to begin.

Im 14, a Freshmen. I have a bazillion brothers and sisters. My dad and I dont have a relationship anymore. My mother means the world to me ♥

Most people dont understand me. Girls tend to call me a slut because I can never decide who I want. My best friend Sammie, who is also like a sister to me, is the only one I know of that checks up on my Witty. I feel like I've been in love, but who the hell knows.

I swear like a f*uckin sailor, so my Mom tells me.

I love reading and writing, and I'm not sure If im going to put up my stories. Alot of them are about vampires (Yes I am obsessed with things like Twilight and THE VAMPIRE DIARIES)

I love reading people stories so let me know if you have something! I'm a great proof reader!


I love watching movies, any you'd recomend? Im beyond spoiled and alot of fun to be around.

I'm a huge flirt.

Its easy to make me smile, hard to get me sad, and apparently its funny when Im mad.

I take what I want when I want it!


Quotes by ShaynaRose1018

If you dont like what I
Have to say,
Then get lost



*At my friends house*
her little brother marches up to me,
where I am sitting on her bed,

he's 10 and pretty much the cutest kid ever.

 I just found a keeper <3
~Except im 14~

Si l ly l i t t l e hoes dont understand ;

The more they te l l me to back o f f .

The less l i kely i t is to happen .

Today when..
I got home my mom yelled at me.
I went into the kitchen to make lunch.
My 11 year old little brother came in
After I yelled at my mom that I had a bad day.

He walked up to me and hugged me.
After everything thats happened.
All the hoes, all the problems.
Daddy being in jail.
My older brother hating me.

That one hug made me burst into tears.
Bubba has always been my baby.
I hid the tears and hugged him back,
Then I went and broke down.


That right there gave me all the

reason in the world to do it.

Dont mess with me now Hun.

 ~Feeling like an evil little chick~
Just once I wish someone would ask,
are you okay
Just so I can tell them

Format by twilightgirl995


&& Right now I just want to cry;
Cry for everyone I've lost;
Everyone thats lost me;
And all the things I want in life but know I'll never have.


Ex boyfriend to me;
 Winners never win. Losers.. Wait nevermind.
Me; haha fail. i ALWAYS win
Him; CHEATERS never win!
Because I didnt know he'd eventually use that against me.


&& Baby if you hafta to ask me to get you
 to fall in love with me, my works already done.


Everyone go 
and read
my new story