
Joined: February 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270910
Heyy... Im Shannon. Im 15 years old and 5'7 hight if your wondering lol ;p.
I play lacrosse and soccer and love to ski and snowboard and other shat!!!
Check out my tumblr!!!- (it explains everything)
Hope you EnJoY!!!  kbye <3 

Quotes by ShannonAlyssa28

That awkward moment when a really hot guy actually starts talking to me out of no where and actually likes me! :0
(never happens-_-)
People were created to be loved.
Things were created to be used.
The reason why the world is in Chaos, is because
things are being loved, and people are being used.
don't get attached.
don't get attached. 
dont' get attached.

...damn, i got attached

When words are silent, you know theres friction!

This quote does not exist!

Bullsh!t...Its right in front of your eyes!

What if we really could live for decades... What if the pollution in oxygen is just slowly killing us and takes about 100 years to do so?
(just a thought)




Spread the word...
“Because you are more than selling yourself short, more than worrying how you’ll go about doing any one thing. By being who you are, you are already beautiful and special. But you are way more than beautiful and special. Have faith. Forget the mirror. Forget what everything around you tells you to be. Forget the things that are destroying you inside.Things do get better. I know it is a hard thing to believe now. People might try to tell you otherwise but trust me! They do get better! Impulsivity can destroy us. Words can hurt us. But when we remember who we truly are, everything starts to fade away. Stay strong and put a smile on, it looks great on everybody. Be who you are, Not who others want you to be!
(If anyone needs someone to talk to, I am always open)
Share the message to anyone and might just save a life!

Girls are like phones. We love to be held and talked to but if you press the wrong button, you'll be disconnected!