
Joined: August 4, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 119399

im shane, i have a sister on this. I made this to proove not all guys are the same.I live in California, I like the color green.Single.14.birthday:Sept.7th add me or follow or whatever:P


Quotes by Shane22

Being home alone is scary:O

Thanks for my quotes


Hello im Shane.

Why do i have 26 followers when i dont really make quotes???
Baby i would run through traffic to come and be with you right now, climb a mountain with my bare hands if you were at the top of it, and walk bare foot on ice to impress you. becuz baby i still love you<3

-I miss you lauren:(

Forgive me Lauren:(
Baby i wasn't ready to let you go
I was stupid and wrong and I love
you with all my heart<3
You are the best thing that ever happened to
me. please take me back? i lied,
i HATE being single. Lauren i need you
please forgive me.-Shane.

I like being single:) My names shane talk to me!

I'm Shane. 14 year old boy .I play guitar and i do water polo. Lets Talk=)