
Joined: May 24, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 361026
Gender: F
This is a layout by roseth0rn.
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Quotes by SammiiClancy

I can't remeber being not alone
Imagine if our eyebrows did themselves and just fell out when we were sleeping.
So we danced all night to the BEST SONG EVER <3
I cried today because Beau Brooks didn't follow me after I changed my name to #BeauLovesUs and tweeted 40 times and nothing I feel stupid for crying I just love this boy so much and he doesn't even notice me I felt crushed :/
I am madly in love with Luke Brooks <3
I Love Marcus Butler <3 <3 

(from MarcusbutlerTv)

So you might of seen my last quote about youtubers I watch,

Well me and my best friend are planning on going to Vidcon 2016

to see all these Youtubers, the reason we are planning so far ahead

is because we're Irish and Vidcon's in California, so we'll be 17 when 

we go. 

 But so what we need to know is how much vidcon would be,

so if anybody knows anything about vidcon please comment

We want to know everything about vidcon!! :D 

So yeah so if you or your friends have any info please tell me!!

It would mean alot to me! Thanks so much Wittians xoxo

 Hey guys, so I was wondering if anybody watched any of the same

Youtubers as me? 


PointlessBlog-Alfie Deyes

Sam Pepper

Discasp-Casper Lee




Yeah so anyone else who watches any of these, 

Please tell me:D I'm absolutely obsessed! 

I hate when you're trying to get your boyfriends attention and then you realise Niall Horan has no idea who you are

bold all that apply

I'm female
my hair is naturally brown
I like pizza

i am british
my favourite colour is Purple
my second favourite colour is Blue or Pink
i am afraid of heights
my favourite food is italian food
I love walking in the rain
I have a pet cat

Total so far: 5
My hair is below my shoulders
I have a boyfriend
i cant drive and dont want to either
my favourite icecream flavour is mint choc chip
I empathic - I feel other peoples emotions
I am afraid of dummies/dolls/puppets/robots etc
I've had 3 serious boyfriends so far
I have 2 sisters
I have 0 brothers
I had a twin but it died before I was born

total so far: 8
I will try almost anything once
the sound of the hoover/vacuum makes me go to sleep
my parents are still togeter
I have a sibling I don't get along with very much
I have green eyes (one of them usually is green)
I can't watch anyone suffer even people I don't like
I listen to music for the lyrics and their meaning more than anything else (I do but I'm a huge fan of the actual music)
I am a contradiction I can be two exact opposites both at the same time
Abuse of any sort infuriates me considerably

total so far: 10

I have really small feet
people often misunderstand me or believe false rumours about me
I've been victim to prejudice
my father has or does work in a law related job i.e. prison officer, police, drug rehab etc
my mum is a carer or nurse
I wish I could be a abnormal psychology studierand criminal psychologist
I have a sight problem
my house is near the sea
I am fascinated by Urban Legends and scary stories in general

total so far: 11

I find it hard to trust people
I'm a lover, not a fighter but if you push me, I can turn into the latter
I look younger than I am
I act or used to act older than i am
I am relatively pale
more than one girl is currently crying for my love/attention even though I'm in a relationship
I am afraid of nobody really liking me
I love taking quizzes, doing surveys and learning new trivia
the motto I live by is treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself

total so far: 16 
ok, times your total by 2.

put here or at top how much your total is:   32