
Joined: September 3, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 123776

          It Happens.


BOX 2.  witty is full of drama and it pisses me off.. im sick of the jocks the qoutes tht are clearly fake the bitches that post profile comments tht are mean. th fake girls , the guys with 10000 followers tht make shit qoutes... what are we desperate!? THE GIRLS WHO TELL THER FRIENDS NOT TO GO ON THER PROFILE JUST SO THEY WILL!!!! the bitches tht say i suck a makeing qoutes waaahh but they have like 1000 favs on every qoute the bitches that dont give credit where credit is due... and over all i hate my "friends" who post shit about me on here thinking i won't see it. so witty i'm sorry but i hate you..... and i will use you to make qoutes tht i will put on tumblr...
Facebook: Shayna Costello
Twitter: ShaynaCostello
<3 snowboarding<3
kitty gif

SCostello's Favorite Quotes

The lazy rule:
Can't reach what I dropped.. don't need it.


Who else has those mini spaz attacks
When your in bed,
half asleep and you
think your falling.

You know you must've had an intense dream, when you go to sleep with 2 socks, and 
 wake up with one.

Dear boy,
I sleep
ON her chest,
I sleep
BETWEEN her legs,
I sleep
NEXT to her butt,
Are you
jealous now?
Her cat.<3
P.S. I'm a boy cat(;



that moment whena guy saysdont i get a HUG.♥

would try finding new ways to impress his girl
even after he has her ♥

Format: edwardscissorhands ; NMQ



Last Tuesday, I was sitting in the park
wondering why frizbees got bigger
as they got closer.

and then it hit me..

The 'WTF' moment when,
 you do a math problem, and your answer isn't even one of the choices.


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