
Joined: August 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 209195

berry confection
hell yeah.
Hello people of Witty. I'm Sarah, and I'm 13. I pretty much love Glee, music, Harry Potter and zombies. Zombies are awesome yo. And also, I ship Brittana. Brittana is endgame. You're still welome to fave, comment, and follow me, tho <3 All your bubbly witty love is greatly appreciated. Music is my drug, and I also like Damian McGinty and his dancing eyebrows. just sayin'. I support LGBT rights. also, please note that most of my quotes are song lyrics, and each and every one of my quotes are completely made my ME, I don't use other people's formats, so if you say that one of my quotes looks similar to yours or to someone else's, ALL of my quotes are made my me. c o m p l e t e l y. see you guys (: x X

Royalberry's Favorite Quotes

fave this if you have ever cried over the death of a fictional character,
and comment who the character was.

The awkward moment when you post a status
and no one likes it, so you end up deleting it.


This quote does not exist.

Admit it.
even when there's no food in your house
you still look

This quote does not exist.


w earing black shades and
staring at hot people without them knowing.

Telling someone your going to bed, when your actually not, and then having to hold back from posting things on facebook

(follow me, i follow back!)

'Dammit I'm mad' is 'Dammit I'm mad' spelled backwards.



ODecember 16th
I was diagnosed with skin cancer.
Yes, that was yesturday 

I'm not asking for faves,
or comments,
I just need sympathy.

Because to be honest I am scared to death.
I just need to know someone is praying for me

Please read
when i was in 8th grade we had to make a mask representing ourselves in art class. Instead of making it look pretty and colorful like my other classmates i decided to make it look like i really felt o the inside. I made it black and white with bars like a prison cell and behind the bars i wrote things like ugly, fat, worthless, stupid. When i got my grade back i FAILED! I failed becuase my teacher said my mask wasn't "beautiful". 

Please fave if you think this is wrong.