
Joined: February 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152091
So yeah. I joined Witty back in 2011 but never really used it until today. I don't know HTML that much, but you learn by practicing so that doesn't really matter. I'm Ezgi and yeah.

RoseEzgi's Favorite Quotes

1 universe, 8 planets, 7 seas, 7 continents, 809 islands, 204 countries, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting u
My sister always comes to me for relationship and friend advice 
Forgetting that I have no social life, no friends, I was never in a relationship, and the only quality advice I could actually give her is on HTML coding.

     Just because you learn
   being drowned.


i'm convinced some women don't fart.
they just hold it in and it comes out as drama


rabbits jump and they live for 8 years.
dogs run and they live for 15 years.
turtles do nothing and they live for 150 years.
lesson learned.

Music: Oh hey, you like this music? Let's add a crappy rap solo.
Book: You like this character? Let's kill him.
Tv: You like this show? Lets cancel it.
Life: You like life? Let's ruin it.

me: *singing in the shower*
simon cowell: it's a no from me.

My grandmother and uncle died of cancer and my two aunts beat cancer.
Where are their quotes?

If a drop of water falls in a lake;

its identity is over.
If it falls on the patel of a rose,
it shines like a pearl;
the drop is same but the company matters

This quote does not exist.