
Joined: March 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 281536

Starkid, Harry Potter, Mythology, Disney, The Vampire Diaries (Klaroline, Dalaric, Klebekah, Rebekol, Steroline, Jalaric, Kalijah & Defan!), The Avengers & Pretty Little Liars. My celebrity crush is Robert Downey Jr. I love the bromance he and Jude Law have in Sherlock Holmes.

Keegan Allen is sexy. That is all.

I'm an aspiring author, hoping to be published before the age of twenty-five. It's a big dream and I still have a lot to learn but I've been told I'm really good for my age and I'm just hoping to build on that. :)

I'm a sucker for anything of the 1860s all the way to the 1920s. The men, the clothes, the make-up, the class, the community -- all of it. I honestly think I was born in the wrong era. :3

Quotes by PosterOfHeadmasterZefron

           girls don't like boys.
           girls like food, the internet and middle-aged celebrties.

          Coming back from a camping trip:
          Me: W
hy does the hot water come out of a tap?

A boy in my class was speaking in a really low voice in French class today.
Immitating him, I say,


He said the same thing at the same time.

Me: *petting my friend's cat*
My friend: *eating lasagna*
Me: I wonder if it's true that cats always land on their feet.
My friend: Let's try it out.

She threw her cat across the kitchen.

It did land on its feet.

what is with all these people talking about how their best friend  betrayed them?
I've known my best friend since we were six months old and--though we don't go to the same school--we see each other all the time and keep in touch. <3

This, folks, is called a best friend.
Whatever b/tch betrayed you certainly didn't deserve that title.

& is anyone else obsessed
with Taylor Swift's new song?

If you try to copy the format (aka "source") of a quote that says
This quote does not exist.
The whole thing starts flashing random colors...
Props to you, Steve.

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