
Joined: October 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 226234
Gender: F
Hi guys Im Prianca (pia for short) i'm 15...i blow out the candles on the 7th september... i LOVE one direction... I'm going to Marry Zayn or Niall one day so yea... i love life although i can be a bit of an Emo sometimes... witty bestfriends are Crazedfangirl,since1996 Mattyboi( i love you matty :))   Scarlettgirl8, Zubair Bee, louistomlinsonfacts, onmawaytobelieving and you're all amazing and i love you all!!! Directioner buddies are gtills12 and witty_monn... love you guys sooo much... 
Girly Skinny Default MySpace Layouts
LoveMyProfile.com <3 MySpace Graphics

Pia's Favorite Quotes

Don't know what to write
but wanting to use this format.  


I will find a way to let you go

  And no longer the pain will show


Me: i really cant stay you guys
Tumblr, Twitter, Witty, etc: but baby its social outside

Give everything a shot

You never know what/who is going to change your life


People who commit suicide...

Don't want to end their lives,

They just want to end the pain.



Stay Strong.

Make them wonder how you're still smiling.


1.) Keep fighting.





Think before you speak

it could be the difference between life or death for someone.
 Just stop scolling for a minute...

2012 is now over but for some people it was a year of hell.

If you're one of those people and you're planning on killing yourself or self-harming, don't.

You're probably expecting this quote to be a million reasons on why you shouldn't but you should know them already, deep down.

Everyone that is in this world right now, deserves to be here.

No matter who you are, you have a reason to be here.
Actually think about it,
Why would you be here, if you're: ugly, worthless, stupid (ect.)
God put his time and energy on you, to make you who you are.
He wouldn't of bothered if he thought you were worthless.

Whatever you're going through/been through, is just a test.
He doesn't test you on anything you can't handle.
People who kill themselves, just didn't wait for things to get better

Life isn't always bad.
There's so many beautiful things in the world.
There's always a "good" in everything.
You have to understand that life wont always be easy.
It's a never ending roller-coaster but sometimes it slows down.

You aren't alone.
There's people in the world,
going through things worse than you.
Yet they're staying strong.
You have to keep your head up and think positvely,
no matter what.

You have a whole future ahead of you,

Don't give it up.