
Joined: January 9, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 262052

>>Sup i'm Julez. I'm a socially awkward person. I like to sit in my house and watch sad, romantic, movies. Food is my best friend & my computer is my soon to be husband.  My favorite colors are Orange and Magenta. Bunnies are the cutest thing in this world. Demi Lovato is my savior. Her songs make me feel like i'm not alone. She is my role model & she is absolutely beautiful. Ariana Grande is perfect and my favorite actress ever. She is my inspiration and I love her. Taylor Swift is my queen. Her songs put me into the best mood ever. They tell me that almost everybody goes through things and it gets better. Justin Bieber is my future husband. His songs get me through a lot. Along with Ed Sheeran & One Direction. I have no friends where I live. Everybody just sucks here. This one boy means the absolute world to me.♥ We talk all the time and he's different. Witty and Tumblr complete me.  It's like my second home. I write quotes from my feelings. Basically I write what I feel. Not all of my quotes are made up by me though. Follow me! I follow back. I love you. :*
Links: tumblr.


Quotes by PerfectlyPinkSparkles

A life without dreaming,
is a life without meaning.


the person you fall for isn't ready to catch you.


chill with the One Direction quotes.

I'm a lightweight
easy to fall, easy to break.

Society Kills.
Why can't people just accept others for who they are , what they look like and how much they weigh?

People are good at judging someone they don't really know...

FML Moment #1
when you see him with another girl... and your heart just drops.

People are so quick to judge others faults,
but never quick to point out their own.

Can someone please talk to me?
I don't care who. Fave I guess and i'll leave you a comment.

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