Joined: February 9, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 272249

 I'm really good at messing things up.

I'll be known as James on the internet and I won't give out a definate age all the time. I will talk to you for a little bit until you say something big and I mess up everything. I'm really good at messing up everything, really, really good at it.

I don't have many friends, or any, at school because I am a creature only capable of loosing and not gaining.

If you happen to get in a conversation with me I warn you now to not grow to like me. Chances are, I'll say something and thus comes the ending of our friendship.

I'm sorry.
Really, really sorry.

This is one of the best things someone's ever done for me by this amazing person. We don't talk anymore because she went for a while, left a heartfelt message and I was too flustered to respond. 
Horrible on my behalf, I know, but I've been trying to write up a response to her last comment on my page for a couple of weeks- each one getting worse and worse as I write them.

Here's my tumblr if you want to watch the things I think, the pictures I like and the stories I adore.
And then here's my Blogger which I don't go on much. I don't have much to say about it because it is nothing much more than a soeak of dust on a lampshade. 

I'm sorry for being stupid, I'm sorry for everything.


Quotes by PROJECTJames


Just because
I may be able to afford things
that you can't
and that you think are worthless
does not, 
I repeat, not,
give you permisson
to tell me about
how I'm wasting my money
on pointless things
like an amazing book.


E V E R Y T H I N G ' S   A N   O P T I O N .

you just have to remember to take the right ones.

If someone advises you to cut to get rid of the feelings
feel free to punch them.


Dears girls,

You think it's okay to accuse a boy of cheating when you don't see our phones but when we don't see your phones it's perfectly okay?

Sincerly, my trust in you has gone.

I admit it:
I'm the backstabber.

There are just so many people in this world who I'd like to strangle.

I'm like that first piece of bread in the packet.

You'll always get me, but you never want me.


You want me to apologize for my entire gender?

You want me to apologize for that boy not realizing that you like him even when you haven't shown any signs?
You want me to apologize for him already having a girlfriend that's not you?
You want me to apologize for him dumping you when he clearly didn't care much for you anymore?
You want me to apologize for him leading you on although you showed no signs of resistance?
You want me to apologize for something I can't help either way?
You really want that?


You just lost it. ;)


It's a little interesting how people want to inflict death on themselves
but when they have to die
they don't want to.

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