
Joined: July 30, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 201361

  I'm Hannah. I'm 14.

I'm not going to be on Witty alot anymore.


Quotes by OwlCityFan20

The babies born at 11:11 tonight. Are gonna be some lucky babies.

today at school,

We were partners in Science, just me & him. 
We had to work on a Science test together. 
The test was to right the 'Newton's Laws of Motion.'
We had to write and example of it, I messed up so many times because
I was so nervous around him. He kept teasing me saying how I kept messing it all up.
I was so happy. He was talking to me, actually TALKING to me. 
Then he kept poking my shoulder when I wasn't looking, it was the cutest thinbg ever♥
He asked me if I ever had a boyfriend. I said 'No, Maybe because I am fat & ugly & have low self
esteem.' He said, 'You're not fat! & You're not ugly! Stop saying that.' I liked him for a year now.
I was hoping he would ask me out, until I found out on Facebook that...

he has a girlfriend.


He finally noticed me.

 He made me laugh, he teased me, marked on my arm, and we poked the boy in front of my desk with a pencil together. I sit right next to him in Science.

He is the first guy to actually talk to me & not laugh at me. Thank you♥

This is not my format.


At my school;

We cant wear sweat pants o:

Fave if you think this is wrong.



Truth is,

I hate what I look like.



Who else;

Gets those mini heart attacks

When you miss a step on the stairs?

I know I do ;D



That moment when;

Your in the grocery store and you lose you your mom

& your thinking ‘I can handle this’ & then your like ‘OMG

mom where are you?’ xD


Am I the only one;

Who wants to hop in the TV and hang out with


[And all my mates are there tryin’ ]

to calm me down, because, I’m

shouting your name all over town♥


-The Script.


Who else;

Wonders what they would

look like if they were a boy?(;