
Joined: February 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 279168
Hi this is Cait and Kate. We are here to fangirl. We love One Direction, and we love them all equally. We don't understand why Niall gets a ton of hate, because he's just as good as Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis. Don't like our quotes? Don't read them. We're awkward. We're bizarre, and loud, and annoying but best friends who always have eachotherto turn to. (: (cheesy needed moment.) And we are cousins. I'll finish this later


Layout made by _RandomRequests

Quotes by OneDirectionnnInfection

I do not care if you like One Direction and have a favorite
But when you have a least favorite, there's going to be a problem.

Let Niall Sing.
Any person who agrees that he shouldn't and still calls themself a "directioner", f/ck you. You aren't a real directioner if you only like some of them. I don't get why Niall is always the least favorite. What did he ever do to you? Nothing. So stop hating on him. One Direction wouldn't be the same without him.


Best friends:
the people you can talk to for hours and never ever get bored.

Fave if you love One Direction
comment your favorite.

If we could only have this life

for one more day.

If we could only turn back time.


Fav e if you love
Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis.  

I Love One Direction
Fave if you do too♥

Follow for a follow(:



Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis

One Direction ♥

follow for a follow :)

Fave if you love One Direction<3