
Joined: February 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270819
Hey everyone!

Quotes by Obeautiful

person: Could you please move out of the way so I could get by?

normal person: sure
me: oh my god they must hate me, they obviously think I am an icky human being with no manners. 

What if your soul mate is:
Your other half with the person your mom/dad
would have had a child with, in another scenario.


*you may need to think about this for a while*

person: Could you please move out of the way so I could get by?

normal person: sure
me: oh my god they must hate me, they obviously think I am an icky human being with no manners. 
Qualities of an Immature person:
-laughs off serious topics
-says rude things without realizing
-does not apologize for the things that count
-think that cursing makes you cool
-that you have to have the right material things
-does not take constructive criticism well
-when ever someone tries to confront them they automatically become the victim
-do things that really bother people repeatedly

(this is my opinion)
mom: you never exercise
me: dafuq bro? Don't you know how fit I am from going to school. I climb up and down 3-4 flights of stairs 3 times everyday. And doing so while carrying 4-5 heavy books, while trying to jog to my next class. Woman, I am skipping steps like a damn ninja. Also, when I have to go to the bathroom I have to make a one minute run, so its a dash both ways. We are practically doing at least 10-20 squats a day getting up and in those seats. Not to mention gym class. 
You run on the treadmill.
mom: ..

omg i just found a little red spider on my computer that looked like this:


Whenever someone uses an exclamation point 

I feel like they are yelling at me!

just me?


That awkward moment when
you see a sad/depressing quote
and dont know if its offensive or not to favorite it

bet you passed over this 
Me watching a survival show:
me: too bad they don't have water bottles like me
me: nvm they can drink the ocean
me: can they?
me: who cares its all fake sh*t
me: or issss it?
me: HA! i have water
me: *looks at water bottle*
me: AHH it's almost empty
me: *dramatically takes last sip*
me: i will just die now

me: Hehehe I beat the unbeatable
me: ffs well he just died lololol
me: *laughes at tv*

That annoying moment when your computer has 3% battery
and it takes you 91740938069820859597 hours to untangle the wire

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