
Joined: June 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 184486
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About Me(:

Hey its NLnovels (also known as Nicole) Well i dont have much to say, except this is my story account(: Ive deciding to keep my quote account a secret, since i dont want people reading my cheap quotes because most of them are old and annoying, but they are a part of Witty so im not gonna delete them(: Anyways im deciding that im gonna talk a little bit more about me(; first off i absolutely LOVE softball(: Im a part of the softball team the Outlaws(: I love this team so much and each player is basically my sister<3 besides that i usde to be a volleyball player and a cheerleader and i actually miss it a lot. This doesnt mean that im one of the stuck up b*tches who go around being whores because truth be told, most cheerleaders arent like that. yes, im not saying that isnt true because some are like that, but not all. Well i dont have much more to say so.... yeah(: If you decided to read this all then i like love you<3 :*

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NEW STORY :D (4-9-12)
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Quotes by NLnovels

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i know that whoever is reading this story might get mad at me, but i've decided to move this story to wattpad only. it might only be this story, or it will be the rest of my stories as well, because all of my older stories are on there. i know i've said that i wouldnt leave you guys for wattpad, but witty never allows me to post chapters that are even less than a page long in word in one quote, and since my chapters just keep on getting longer and longer, they will be posted in like five or six parts, and i know no one would wanna read it if it was like that. sorry about this, i will still come on this account, but not as much. if you would still like to continue reading my stories, which i hope you would, here's the link for my wattpad: 

thanks for whoever was actually reading this story, and i hope no one gets mad at me. love you all <3

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Chapter 8
Part 2


Running downstairs, I ran into the kitchen to see my mom sitting at the counter, cup of coffee in hand. She was just staring into the coffee; she looked like she was thinking. I sighed and spoke softly, “Mom you alright?”

She didn’t move a muscle, she was really zoned out. It’s not like it’s different from every other day though, she barley talks to anyone anymore, and I don’t blame her. It’s been rough for her the past year or so with everything that has went on.

I sighed and grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket sitting on the counter and took a bite. I knew I was gonna be late, but at least I still have the excuse that I don’t know my way around the school. I quickly walked over to my mom and gave her a tight hug. “I love you Mommy,” I kissed her forehead.

She nodded slightly and whispered, “Love you too.” I sighed and walked to the front door. I slipped on my black converse, grabbed my bag off the sofa and started my walk to the school.

The whole walk I kept on thinking about how my mom has been acting the past few months; she’s been depressed the whole time. I stared at the sky and let out a long sigh. I wish my family could go back to the way it used to be.

author's note: sorry it took awhile, school work doesnt gimme time to write :p

Ashley's Outfit- 

Format Credit: lollipopx3

Picture Messages
Chapter 6

The ninth period bell rang and I quickly stood up. Jake stood up too, turning around and looking at me. “Do you take a bus?” I shook my head no; my mom decided to pick a house pretty close to the school, making it only five minutes away by walking. “Do you want company on your walk home?”

I felt a little guilty if I said yes to Jake walking me home. He barley knows me, and he already walked me to almost all of my classes today. I sighed, “No thanks. I think I’m alright.”

He looked a little disappointed that I said no, but that feeling vanished almost as it came. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow Ash,” and with that he picked up his books and walked out of the room.

I walked out of the room shortly after and walked around the school for a little bit. I had to find my locker because I couldn’t stand carrying around all of my books today. I continued walking until I reached a long stretch of lockers. I looked down at my schedule, wondering what locker number I was.

“1072,” I whispered to myself as I looked through the long stretch of lockers. It was about ten minutes after the bell rang, so the halls were cleared out. This helped me while I looked through the lockers.

A few seconds later I came across the locker 1072; it didn’t have a lock on it. That’s when I pulled the lock they gave me out of my backpack and stuck it on there.

I shut the lock and stared at it for a second. “Wow stupid, you gotta put your books in there first,” I mocked myself as I read the combination of the little sheet of paper. 2-10-16; easy enough. I opened back up the lock and threw all of my books in, seeing I had no homework except to get papers sign.

I shut my locker for the second time and started to walk down the empty hallway. It was so peaceful and quiet, not like it was earlier in the day. I pulled out my camera and looked around to see if anyone was around. No one, good.

I sat down in the middle of the hallway, turning my camera on. I then laid down, which was pretty gross since these hallways have probably never been cleaned; then I took the picture.

Quickly standing up, I shook any dust that I had gotten on my clothes off and looked at the picture. I smiled staring down at it; seeing that the flash went off, the whole bottom of the picture was a bright light, and then it faded as the picture went on to reveal an empty hallway. It might not have been much, but I loved the picture.

I shut my camera off and put it in my pocket. Then, as I quickly found my way out of the school, I looked up at the sky, “Just like you taught me Daddy.”

 Format Credit: lollipopx3

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Chapter 5
Part 2


I looked up at him like he had five heads. You could tell she already didn’t like me, and on top of that I’m the shyest person you will probably ever meet. “Nah,” I spoke quietly, but gave Jake a small smile.

The bell rang and he sighed. “Alright, maybe tomorrow.” I got up and walked to the cafeteria doors, throwing out my tray on the way. Gab stormed past me, bumping my shoulder on the way out. I let out a small sigh and slumped into the hallway.

Before I could make it two steps, Jake was standing by my side. “You just have to warm up to her. She’s not the most social person.”

I nodded, staying quiet as Jake walked me to my class. Since we had almost every period together, we figured out that our ninth period was the same too.

We reached the room and I quietly walked in and took a seat all the way in the back, not saying another word as Jake walked in and sat in front of me. He turned around and looked at me, speaking softly. “Ashley, don’t let Gab bring you down. You just have to warm up to her.”

“Alright,” I whispered quietly as the bell rang to start class. I knew I had to warm up to her, but I couldn’t help but think that she was going to be the main reason that I would become the outcast of this school too.

author's note: well, sorry its short but w.e. i give up. most of my things will be in multiple parts but we gotta deal. and heres Gab's outfit 

Gab's Outfit-


  format credit: lollipopx3

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Chapter 5
Part 1


I sat quietly in lunch, still confused about how Jake and Gab were brother and sister. I mean, they argued like they were, but they looked nothing alike. It was weird, and a little awkward because every time I tried to speak to Jake, she would give me this glare like ‘just shut the fck up already’.

So Tony and Jake ended talking mostly the whole period, and Gab and I sat quietly just eating our lunches. As I ate, I looked at Gab. She was wearing a light grey and white striped tank top, a pair of ripped shorts, and grey flip flops. I always saw a bracelet on her arm that seemed like it wanted to just fly of her wrist every time she ate some of her salad.

I let out a small sigh; I can already tell that this will be a terrible lunch period. Normally, I like lunch because I can always just had somewhere else for the period or I could eat my lunch in piece all alone, but now I would have to sit here awkwardly because I had no idea how to get around this school.

I felt a tap on my arm that snapped my out of my thoughts and back to reality. I looked up from my now empty tray and saw Jake looking over at me. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Why don’t you talk to Gabby. She really isn’t that bad.”

author's note: witty. is. stupid.

  format credit: lollipopx3

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Chapter 4
Part 2


Jake nodded and we both ordered lunch. We walked back to the table together, and when we got there I tried to push away that uncomfortable feeling I had with Tony, trying to seem perfectly fine.

“You guys took awhile, what were you two doing making out?” Tony joked and looked at Jake.

Jake looked like he was about to punch him again, but I touched his arm lightly. He looked at me, anger disappearing almost immediately. “Let him joke around. The more you react to it, the more he’ll do it.” Jake nodded and started to eat, and I did the same.

A few minutes later, a girl with beach blonde hair with dark brown underneath, walked over to our table holding a tray. “Jake can I sit with you guys. I have no friends in this period so my only other option is you.”

He rolled his eyes. “Sure Gabriella,” he had a small smirk on his face.

The girl, who’s name I’m guessing was Gabriella, let out an annoyed groan. “Jake I hate when you call me that! Just say Gab, it’s so much easier and it sounds better!” She slammed her tray down on the opposite side of the table, directly across from me.

She looked up after she slammed her tray down, and looked directly at me. “Who’s she?” She had such a bitchy tone to her voice and it got me a little nervous.

Jake spoke sharply, obviously getting annoyed at Gab. “Gab, this is Ashley, Ashley this is Gab, my sister.”

author's note: forgot to give the title credit to xxsuperstories12xx (Reinaaaa) :p

Format Credit: lollipopx3

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Chapter 4
Part 2


     Jake could tell I got pretty tense. “Tony we’ll be right back. I’m gonna show Ash where to buy food,” and with that he brought me over towards the lunch line. It was pretty small considering not many people had this period lunch, and some kids come in late.

“Ya sure you’re alright? You seemed pretty tense back there.” Jake looked sorry; he looked like he was actually concerned for me.

“Yeah I’m alright… just not good with talking to people…” I trailed off, my voice in a small whisper.

Jake sighed, obviously not believing me. He waited a second before he spoke again. “I know your not alright Ash… but I don’t wanna push you into telling me if you don’t wanna. We only met today and I don’t wanna ruin whatever friendship we have by pressuring you into doing something you don’t wanna do.” He took a small pause, “But if you ever do wanna tell me in the future what happened, I’ll always listen.” He had a small smile on his face; it was a warm and welcoming smile.

I smiled a little, which made his smile just a little bit bigger. “Okay.”

author's note: witty is stupid cuz the first part was longer than the next to and it wouldnt post in the same quote :p

Format Credit: lollipopx3

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Chapter 3
Part 1

As every class went by, the more and more I thought about Jake. He was in a majority of my classes, and his last name was Palor, so he sat in front of me in almost every class. I didn’t mind because I could tell I was falling for him, but I don’t think I wanted to. Whenever I fall for people, I fall to hard and get crushed in the end, and I didn’t want that happening again.

The periods flew by and then it came to my favorite period of the day, lunch. I had lunch eighth period, which was pretty late in the day since ninth period was the last period of the day, but I didn’t mind.

Jake walked me to almost all of my classes, since most of his were the same as mine, and of course, we both had the same lunch period. He led me downstairs to the lunch room, and told me he could sit with me. I was fine with that, since I didn’t really know everyone else here since it’s my first day.

We walked into the cafeteria and a kid with sandy blonde hair waved him over to a table. We both made our way over there.

“Hey Jake!” the kid gave Jake a high-five. “Who’s the chick?” Jake punched the kid in the arm, and it sounded like it hurt. “Ow!” The kid started rubbing his arm.

Jake smirked, “Next time don’t be so mean. This is Ashley. Ashley,” he looked at me and then back at the kid. “This is Tony.”

“Hi Tony,” I said pretty shyly, looking down at the ground. I’m not too good with talking with people, especially people I haven’t met before.

I guess Jake noticed because he tilted my chin up so I was looking at him and spoke quietly, “You okay?”

I gulped and nodded, staring into his deep brown eyes; it was extremely easy to get lost in them. We stayed like this for a second, just staring into each others eyes. It was like we were talking, but only we could understand what we were saying to each other.

“Would you two like a moment, or do you just want to go get a room?” Tony smirked, looking over at the two of us.

Jake quickly took his hand away from my chin and looked over at Tony. He punched Tony pretty hard, maybe even harder than the last time. “Dude you have to stop doing that!” Tony spoke in an annoyed tone.

“Then you should stop being a dick,” Jake spoke back, still sounded pretty calm.

A small giggle escaped my mouth watching and listening to the two of them. They both turned and looked at me, but I mostly looked at Jake, who seemed to be… blushing? Weird.

“What are you laughing at?” Tony still sounded pretty annoyed.

I quickly stopped giggling, thinking that he would do something the kids in my old school would do. “S-Sorry…” I mumbled.
  author's note: this was a pretty long chapter in word, so its gonna come out in multiple parts.. sorry:p
Format Credit: lollipopx3