
Joined: December 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 253593


UH Yeaa I guess IM supposed to put stuff about me right here....... Uhmmm Im shorttt 4'11 to be exact! My Name is Ciara. Im 13 and I live in KAnsas. I try to live life to the fullest! I have an amazzing Family and Amazzing Friends. I lovee Music and I play the Viola. Im in 8th grade.
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Quotes by Misser

There was a plane crash in Florida today. A family of 6 was on that plane. The Bramlage family. I know them. Boston was in my grade. I talked to him everyday. He helped me with my math. He was so smart. The smartest kid in the class. He got a 100% on the state test. His mom was the President of The Board Of Education. She was so nice and so caring. They were the nicest family. They were just amazing, Their oldest son, Brandon, was going to be a Sophmore. Their other son, Beau, was going into 7th grade. And their daughter, Roxanne, was 8. Only 8. I miss this family so much. They havent found Boston yet. There is a chance he could still be alive. Please. Please pray for him.
Boston, come home! We miss you <3

I love feeling my legs after I shave. Just me?
And all the other boys, they try to chase me, but here's my number so call me maybe.
Lol who am I kidding? No boys chase me
Niall~ I'm a math genius!
Louis~ 675 books + 345 books equals?
Niall~ A library! Ask me a harder question!
Niall~ One day I will have children
Zayn~ That's not going to happen. You're never going to get pregnant.


Guys, can we PLEASE stop with the 'fave if' quotes? You should get a top quote because people like it. NOT because you ask them to fave it.  



You dont know you're beautiful


 I honestly hate when people get mad at me for things I didn't know. It makes me feel really bad about myself and like I can't do anything right.


That awkward moment when
you have a quote and you think it will be a top quote and it gets 2 faves.

Adorable [uh-dawr-uh-buhl ]
 Worthy of being adored
So by definition I am adorable

  format by xsoftballgirlx