
Status: Hey there gorgeous<3
Joined: July 20, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
Birthday: August 7
user id: 197403
Location: Wherever the wind takes me
Gender: F

Hello there!

My name is Megan♥ I will blow out 18 candles on the

7th of August!♥  I live a quite out-of-the-ordinary life

but what's life without a little rain? You've happened to 

stumble across my Hannah Montana life and if you

know my in my normal life, I'd adise you to keep it

that way 

Twitter: @Megoz7

Instagram: Megoz7


Thanks for visiting gorgeous.♥

Fave it up!♥

My comment box is always open, feel free to contact

me. (:

Megan/ 17/ PA/ Hedgehogs/ Ed Sheeran/ Christian/

Track Star/ Soccer♥


Quotes by Megoz7

Not all toxic people are

cruel and uncaring. Some

of them love us dearly.

Many of them have good

intentions. Most are toxic

to our being simply

because their needs and

way of existing in the

world force us to

compromise ourselves

and our happiness. They

aren't inherently bad

people, but they aren't

the right people for us.

And as hard as it is, we

have to let them go. Life

is hard enough without

being around people who

bring you down, and as

much as you care, you

can't destroy yourself for

the sake of someone else.

You have to make your

wellbeing a priority.

Whether that means

breaking up with

someone you care about,

loving a family member

from a distance, letting

go of a friend, or

removing yourself from a

situation that feels

painful - you have every

right to leave and create

a safer space for yourself.




To let go isn't to forget, 

not to think about, or

ignore. It doesn't leave

feelings of anger,

jealousy, or regret.

Letting go isn't winning,

and it isn't losing. It's

not about pride, and it's 

not about how you

appear, and it's not

obsessing or dwelling on

the past. Letting go isn't

blocking memories or

thinking sad thoughts,

and doesn't leave

emptiness, hurt, or

sadness. It's not giving in

or giving up. Letting go

isn't about loss and it's

not defeat. To let go is to

cherish memories, and

overcome and move on.

It's having an open mind

and confidence in the

future. Letting go is

accepting. It's learning

and experiencing and

growing. To let go is to

be thankful for the

experiences that made

you laugh, made you cry,

and made you grow. It's

about all that you have,

all that you will soon again.

Letting go is having the

courage to accept change,

and the strength to keep

moving. Letting go is

growing up. It's realizing

that the heart can

sometimes be the most

potent remedy. To let go

is to open a door, and to

clear a path, and to set

you free...




Remember how far

you've come, not just

how far you have to go.

You are not where you

want to be, but neither

are you where

you used to be.



" just tired "

she muttered

but you could tell

it was not just a lack

of sleep

but a lack of hope

and happiness

that made her

act the way she did



I suppose

it will all

make sense



Ask yourself

if what you're doing

today is getting

you closer to where

you want to be



Just so

we're all clear,

it's okay to

miss people

you no longer

want in your



Your value

doesn't decrease

based on someone's

inability to see

your worth.


Get over him. He's not even worth it. He is not worth your time or your tears.

Yeah you loved him, I know that. And I know you just can't see yourself with

anyone other than him, I get that. I've been there. But why should you spend

all your time sitting at home, bawling your eyes out and wondering where he

is and who he is with. Do you honestly think he is thinking about you? No. Sure

it hurts, the fact that he is out there falling in and out of love with other girls.

Yeah you're gonna see him with one of his new girlfriends. Prepare yourself,

cause straight up; it's gonna hurt. He will hold her a little closer and squeeze her

hand a little tighter just because he knows you're watching. He knows it's killing

you; that's why he will do it. Don't let him get to you because that, well that's

exactly what he wants. Don't give him what he wants. He doesn't even 

deserve it. So what if he doesn't talk to you; do you honestly wanna be friends

with an a**hole like him anyways? Thing is I know you still do. But give it time.

Because all he would do is talk about his new girlfriend and just try and make

you jealous, do you really wanna hear that? No. Screw him and his girlfriend.

He will be sorry. Trust me. When he finally sees you with some other guy who's

not him. With that huge grin on your face and your boyfriend holding you

close, he will realize how happy you are now. And how happy your

boyfriend is because he has you; the girl of his dreams. He will realize the

huge mistake he made when he let you go, when he decided to choose her

over you. When he decided he just did not love you the same. Trust me, he will

be sorry. And don't you sit there thinking he won't be sorry I know you are. But I

guarantee you now; He will be sorry. So don't go on spending your nights

waiting for that one phone call you know you're never gonna get. Or that IM

you know he will never send you simply because he likes to ignore you. He

likes to pretend he does not see you online, he does it out of spite just

because he knows it's killing you. When he walks past you in the hallways he is

gonna look past you, but you need to know he will do that cause he knows

somewhere inside you, it will hurt. I'm not gonna lie to you. It will hurt. It'll hurt a

lot. But it will hurt even more when you see her name and how much he loves

her in his profile. It's all gonna hurt. Knowing you're not the girl that's making

him smile. Knowing if he hasn't already he will delete the album of pictures of

you he has on his phone. Knowing you won't be spending every single

moment possible with him. Knowing there's not gonna be more late night

phone calls arguing about who loves who the most. And you know what,

today, tomorrow, next week, months from now; your phone will go off with a

text message, you will instantly grab your phone hoping its him saying he

wants to give your relationship another shot. But trust me; hes got too much

pride. Even if he wanted to be back with you, he wouldn't tell you. You're soon

gonna realize he doesn't care about you anymore and he won't be the first 

person you call when you're upset. He won't be the one to put that smile back

on your face. And yeah it's gonna hurt; it's gonna hurt a lot. But you know

what you're gonna do? You're gonna hold your head up. You're gonna show

him you're better than him and you don't need him in your life. You're gonna

prove to him that he made the biggest mistake of his life letting you go and

that you never really needed him anyways.



I know what it's life to

want to die. How it hurts to

smile. How you try to fit in

but you can't. How you hurt

yourself on the outside to try

to kill the thing on the
