
Joined: March 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 279733
About Me
Hello there and thanks for stumbling upon my Witty little Profile:]
So because this is my Secret WItty, I can't say too much.  I will say that live in the US. Life is hard, but that's the point, isn't it?
I'm struggling with a lot of stuff that I won't get into now, but thanks for reading this and gimme a follow or a comment or whatever.
I love you.
And other stuff..
Ariana Grande is the reason that I'm here. She means the whole world to me, and so so much more. I love everything about her and I love being a part of the Ariana Army. I can't even begin to describe how much she has shaped my life. Her talent, her  personality, her face, her everything is so inspiring. I just love her so much. That is all. 

It's a Sercret.
I'm just really glad I have Witty. It means so much. It really has changed my life.

Quotes by MaybeYouandI

»& and i bet you didn't even know that what you said to me last thursday,
still keeps me up

at night.


don't read 

im just not taking my chances

Repost this if you love your dad. If you don't he'll die in 12 days.♥
I seriously will not take my chances.

Okay Witty, I just need to vent. 
one of my best friends, told me today that she was going to start seeing a therapist. Now, I would be worried but she is one of those people who says anything to get the spotlight. She's always telling me that I'm being mean to her because I'm to sarcastic. At first, I tried to change for her, but then I realized that being sarcastic is part of my personality and as long as I don't go overboard and I control it, I shouldn't have to change for her, right? Does that make sense? Anways, I have no idea why the heck she is seeing a therapist, but I really wanted to talk to my parents (before she said this) about me seeing one. I took a few tests online (and I know it's not a diagnosis) but in all of them I came out positive for depression. How do I handle this? Do I talk to my parents about a therapist? Do I tell my friend? 

any help is appreciated

thanks for reading, it means so much. sorry it was so long. 

Texting Your Crush: 


Who is this?
*your name*

 The end. 

i wish i could
like the girls on tumblr

Be popular like the girls on facebook.
Be famous like the girls on twitter.
and be special like the girls on witty.


I jusreally 
Wanna know
W h a t   i t ' s   l i k e
To be one of them.

Okay, I'm ready to 

...Fall ilove...