
Status: Probably ordering more pizza.
Joined: August 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: March 12
user id: 324780
Location: Chicago, IL
Gender: F
Hey, I'm Christina.
I like bands. They are mostly stuff like Fall out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, The Rolling Stones and Guns'n'roses.
I am quite a sarcastic person and use the winky face a lot ;)

Quotes by MasterSword

She was beautifull. But not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautifull, for the way she thought. She was beautifull, for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautifull, for her ability to make people smile wven when she was sad. No, she wasn't beautifull for something as temporary as her looks, she was beautifull, deep down to her soul.
I have so much homework to do
what movie should i watch
It says "Write something your parents would be proud of"
um how about no

*Just saw this quote*
"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve or Madam and Eve"
Yeah, he did. But There is nothing wrong with being gay/bisexual or anything like that. He only made Adam and Eve because we wouldn't be hee if he didn't. He loves us for who we are, regardless. So, your point is invalid.

Girls: So, what guys are you into, Christina?

Me: Uhhh... Male?
So, i've been in england for two weeks now and today I had my first fish and chips... Dang, it was nice. The old woman nearly had a heart attack when I said i's never had it before. But then she realised i'm american. ;)
Us girls, we don't fight fair.

Teacher: So, next

up is... Ah!


Me: What?...

Teacher: Tell the

class about yourself

Me: Well... The

first thing I do

when I wake up

is go back to bed



Me:Well  yeah but...

Hottie:But what?

Me: Your'e a donut.


-Me literally talking
to a donut-

Dad: Go outside

and mow the lawn.

Me: I can't i'm ugly.