
Joined: August 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 210883

Mitchey Roberts;
I'm 16 and kickin' it in Long Island New York. I have this guy in my life and his name is Curtis. He's the reason behind my smile. He's that lovey dovey kind <3 Ya know, the kind that grabs you by the waste and pulls you in for a kiss. The kind that kisses you in front of his friends. Yeah, that's Curtis (: Hehe <3
Anyways, I'm a total gleek! Glee is super cheesy but I' m addicted!!
My favorite movies are
"Forrest Gump" && "Radio" && "THE OUTSIDERS"
I cry during both of them and love those movies to death! Haha! (:
Any questions?
Drop me a comment!


^ Curtyy (: ^

We Never Get Bored Cause We're Young <3










PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Photobucket  <----Yes. I did burn myself. And yes, I did cry like a pussy.

Photobucket    <----- That's my cousin, Cameron. She doesn't think she's pretty at all. But look at her. SHE'S DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!

Photobucket  planking in the pond!!!!

Quotes by M_Roberts


"Babe, would you ever consider marrying me?"
"Consider? Baby, I know I want to <3"
actual conversation <3

Format by Sandrasaurus

He's mine <33

You fail.

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"Mom, would you get mad at me for something I didn't do?"
"No honey. Of course not."
" Good. Cause I didn't do my homework!"

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I'm no where near so beautiful as you give me credit for.

Silly boy;
Hearts aren't for breaking.

Format by Sandrasaurus

Dear mommy,

Thank you for grounding me. In my room. Which contains a mini fridge, a DVD player, over 100 movies, a flat screen T.V., a comfy bed, a Mac, a cell phone, and an iPod. This punishment is horrible.

Love, grounding me is a good thing.

Format by Sandrasaurus