
Status: almost to break!
Joined: November 2, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 233574
Location: Indiana :\
Gender: F
Lyka. Team. Twaneesha. Edward. DJ. Malik. Pegasi. Diving. Debate. Joan. Jett. You. Me. At. Six. All. Time. Low. The. Beatles. Yes. Queen. Nikon. Cannon. Tennis. Swimming. Soft\Baseball. Racecars. [Yankees. Indiana. Winter. Time. Jarritos. Lellow. Mario. Kart. Just. Dance. Tres. Red. Dead. Redemption. Terrible. Singing. Horrible. Dancing. Wiggling. Ears. New. Girl. Castle. That. 70’s. Show. The. Big. Bang. Theory. Steak. Corn. Potatoes. The. One. Behind. The. Camera. It snowed the first time in 2011 on 12~27~2011! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLAAA! this is Marri. LYKA IS GREAT. She's nice and friendly and superfantabulous! She's one of my best Witty friends and is always there when I need someone to talk to. She's very social and tells me I'm pretty. ;D YOU'RE PRETTY TOO, GIRL. oh and btw... there's my account if you wanna see it ;) I don't bite. Well, okay I do. SINCERELY, ( MARRI!) )

Quotes by LykaDarling

The Superbowl is in

My hometown, where i live. I went ziplining across four skyscrapers downtown. I got out of school three hours early just to see this because it is a "one in a lifetime opportunity". Exciting. The Colts may suck, but hey, THE SUPERBOWL IS IN FREAKIN' INDIANAPOLIS. So, thank's for reading if you did. I just had to express my joy in some way, so yeah.

Pelican Fly:
When you get really high
and really drunk, at the same

Nicki Manaj:
role model.

 Format to twilightgirl995 


Believe in



I Drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile...

                          Maroon  5 Lyrics - She  W  i   l  l  Be Loved <3

Do we have to
get a newsflash
everytime your
body does something?

- D  i e g o     f r o m     I c e     A g e     <3

»I feel so mature«
°Bouncing up and down when my quote gets°
`·.··.10 faves.··.·`

Do I dazzle

- E d w a r d   C u l l e n

G o t  t a '     l o v e   T w i    l   i   g h t <3