
Joined: December 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251051

Quotes by Lovelyinspiration

mocking people in a voice that they don't even have.

That akward moment
When you're talking about someone and they walk over so you change your conversation completely.
"Ahh I hate her so much, and..."
*Person your talking about walks over*
"And then the um..the cow was like moo."


I really want to meet the teenage version of my parents.

that only you and your best friend understand...
"Dude, remeber that time that you knoww.."
"Oh yeah! With the person at the place and it.."
"No bro, the other time with that person with the stuff and the thing?"
"I remember that..good times."


Oh right.
You were waving at the person behind me.
My bad..


The akward moment,
   When you say 
"Cool story bro. Lemme here it again."
And then the person actually starts to tell you the story again...


The akward moment,

w h e n   y o u r   f o r t u n e   c o o k i e   k n o w s   w h a t ' s   u p .



nevermind, I found it."


I've always wanted an actual UPSIDE DOWN, MISSING, or BLANK PAGE on my MCAS.

Having a dream so realistic,
 you had to think if it really happened or not..