
Joined: May 12, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 173640
I've loved  & I've lost




follow me on tumblr maybe ?

Quotes by LovelyCraze

Saying someone can't

be sad because someone may
have it worse is 
like saying someone cant
be happy because
someone may have it better


I  L L Y
give up on boys, I would rather go to
H    E    L    L
thatbe hurt by
another no good
boy who just wants

to take my virginity


Happy Birthday!


Love you ! ♥ ….. 

 JK! I’m here for the cake. 

Click the ♥ or comment
( to ensure you get it )
and i'll put something to make you smile on your profile : )

Crush Quote

You know you are crazy about someone when
you take a longer way to class,
even if it means climbing an extra set of stairs
just to see him.

Happy Birthday
To you.
 Happy birthday, to you.
 Happy birthday dear witty.
 Happy birhday to you!
{witty is 9 years old today!

You have 10 fish ,
5 drown ,
3 come back to life .
How many fish do you have ?

Stop counting smart one.

Fish cant Drown

i like nonsense,
it wakes up the brain cells.
Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.
It’s a way of looking at life through
the wrong end of a telescope.

Which is what I do; and that enables you
to laugh at life’s realities.
-Dr. Seuss



My bofriend is like 

my ferrari ♥

I dont have



format credit to julietechoecho