
Joined: February 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 151616
Welcome to my profile:) Btw you are beautiful inside AND out. Don't let anyone tell you different. Believe in yourself. Because I believe in you.

About Me
Hey! Names aren't important but I blow the candles out on September 23rd. I love witty and every single girl on here. You are all so nice and absolutely amazing. I never imagined people could be going through the same things i was, until i went on here. This site was shown to me by my best friend xKJx. I love her go check her out!
Anyways, sometimes i ask for advice because I am going through some pretty interesting stuff right now but i also like giving advice about anything even if you need help with your profile. If you need ANYTHING just comment and ask!
Follow if you want! I always follow back:)


Quotes by LiveIT13


 My boyfriend's brother has cancer
 please. I'm begging you all to pray for him
He is only a senior in high school and deserves so much more</3
Please .Pray


 The only reason I'm holding back is because I'm afraid.
  {I'm afraid that if I fall for you}
 you won't be there to catch me 

to all of you that gave me advice about asking my dad to have a boyfriend.
He said yes and I couldn't be more happy!
You are all
absolutely wonderful

I need help!
I am about to ask my dad to let me have a boyfriend.

Please give me some good things to say!

You just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own.

And hope the wound that cause it ...Heals

So she
turns   up   her   music   so   no   one   can   hear   her


I vow  to fiercely  love  you in  all
of your forms,  now and forever.
I promise to never forget that
this is a once in a
lifetime love


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It doesn't matter how many times I fall
As long as I'm falling for you...

I'm 15 years old,
a sophomore in high school.
And my dad
refuses to let me have a boy friend.
I really like this guy, and he really likes me.

50+ Faves and I'll stand up for myself and talk to my dad.

Please Fav, my  dad  gets  mad  about  this  stuff  easy  and  I'm  really nervous  to  talk  to  him 

I've never been suicidal
I've never intentionally hurt myself.

I've never tried to cut

But there has never been a time where I've wanted to stop living, to stop hurting, and to just disapear.

More than right now 

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