
Joined: April 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 168060

Hey I'm Kyle. I'm 15& single. I play lacrosse, basketball, and I swim. Think I'm fake? I don't care. Look me up on the internet or whatever but you'll be wasting your time. You won't find me. I had an account before because my cousin showed me this, but I fogot it and I made a new one because I was grounded& bored. So hmu, my aim is KyleHaartley or you can leave a comment, I always reply. -Kyle

thats my little sister Ava she means the world to me♥

madeline Pictures, Images and Photos

Quotes by Kylee95

Me and my little sisters convo #2

me: Hey Ava, everyone on this website loves you!
Ava: well of course they do dumbo! I'm adorable!

Me and my little sisters convo
Ava: Kyle what are you doing
me: I'm online
Ava: oh are you on disney?
me: No, I'm on witty
Ava: ohh tell them I say hi
me: aaa okay
Ava: okay well my barbies are waiting for me, bye

I don't get why everyone is freaking out
about JamesBrass, hes a guy on witty, so am I,
he has a right to be here as much as you do
share the love♥ haha


Anyone want to chat on aim?
My aim is KyleHaartley
I'm bored, c'mon IM me [:


Did you know...
Polar Bears are left-handed


Did you know...
that butterflies taste with their


 Did you know...
that if you yelled for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days
you would have produced enough energy to heat 1 cup of



Happy Easter


fell of a 50-foot latter
today, Luckily I was on the bottom step


not mine[:


Hey I'm Kyle & I'm bored
someone message me on aim please?
my aim is KyleHaartley