
Joined: February 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 277975
Location: Michigan
Gender: F
 Hi my name is Jamie Summer Straley. My nicknames are Jimmy, Jims, Jimbob, & Blondie. I am 14, My birthday is June 27, I am in 8th grade. I play volleyball, I 'm in track, I have a sister named KellieStraley...I totally hate drama I aviode it as much as I can I NEVER start-continue rumors about anybody...I am a loving, funny, smart, K-otic person, I love to hang out with my friends and text, I am really hyper, and I talk a lot!!.(:

Quotes by JamieStraley

Everytime someone dies in a movie, I stare at their chest & watch for breathing.
Everything is funnier if you're not allowed to laugh.(:
During a test, when your teacher passes by, you cover your answers with your hand, so that the teacher cannot see how stupid you are.
That awkward moment when you don't have any friends in your class & Your teacher says "Find a partner."
That awkward walk/run you do when people let you cross the street.
‎(girl) do u want to be with me forever?
(boy) NO
(girl) would u cry if I walked away
(boy) NO
she heard enough and was hurt,she walked away tears ran down her face
The boy grabbed her arm:(boy) your not pretty...,your beautiful
(boy) I don't want to be with you forever...,I need to be with you forever
(boy) I wouldn't cry if you walked away...,I would DIE!
(boy whispers) plzz stay with me
(girl whispers) I will...
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you
Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm
Tomorrow it could be anywhere
Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this to five other comments...you will have relationship problems for the next ten years
Awkwardly standing there when your friend is talking to someone you don't know.
3 Things I've Learned In School:
     1. Text Without Looking.
     2. Sleeping Without getting caught.
     3. Teamwork On Tests.
That awkward moment when you see someone & pretend you don't notice them, but you both know you saw each other.
Eatin' cereal with a fork. Because I'm a BOSS!!(:
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