
Joined: June 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 185483

Finished my story
Seqel coming later - Profile Counters
^^I put it up July 2nd.

Quotes by Ithinkitmaybelovex3

On my mind.
(Chapter fifty-two)
Erika's POV.
I got into my house and ran up to my room. I dove face-first onto my bed and closed my eyes, I missed my bed. After lying down for a few minutes, I got up and got ready for the concert. I quickly jumped in the shower. Once I got out I straightened my hair and did my usual makeup. I walked into my closet, "Oh man, I've missed this," I said to myself as I ran my fingers along the racks of clothes. I finally picked out a simple outfit ( I grabbed a fifty dollar bill out of my pocket, my house key, my phone, and ran out the door. I rang the doorbell at Cody's house and paitently waited for someone to answer. "I'll get it" Jake yelled and swung the door open. "JAKE!" I hugged him. He laughed, "Hey" and hugged me back. I heard the sound of Angies shoes clacking across the tile. "Jake let go of her we need to discuss the plan." I laughed and skipped over to the couch. "Okay, so here's the plan....."

Cody's POV.
I just had just finished singing Good As It Gets and the crowd was going insane. "Alright guys, I need a little water. Be back in a few" I ran off the stage and behind the curtain. "It is crazy out there" Jake said peeking out into the crowd. "Yeah tell me about it. I don't even want to be here." He laughed, "Dude it's okay, you'll see her tonight" I shrugged and took a swig of water. He tossed me a towel. "Wipe your face, you're sweating like a pig." I smiled and quickly wiped my face. "Alright guys this the song when I usually pull a girl up on stage and sing to her. You guys may know it, it's called Not Just You?" Everyone started screaming and I smiled. "Which one of you wants to come up?" Everyone flung their hands in the air and started freaking out. I chuckled. I loved joking around with them, my crew had already picked a girl. I strapped my guitar around myself and went to the mic. "Darling, I know your hearts seen better times.."

Erika's POV.
Someone on Cody's crew dragged me out onto the stage and sat me down on the chair. Cody was singing amazing as usual and as soon as the girls saw me their eyes widened. I put my pointer finger to my lips, motioning them to be quiet. "I understand if you need your space, please take your time." Cody sang as he turned around and saw me. He smiled and his eyes got huge, I smiled. "Before you go away, you need to realize.." he sang the rest of the song to me and when it was over I jumped up and hugged him. "Suprise" I whispered into his ear. He laughed, "Everyone give it up for my girlfriend Erika!" he yelled. I gave him a quick kiss as the crowd setteled down. The music started to my all time favorite song of his. "You're On my Mind" he sang as we pulled away from our hug.

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Sorry the ending type thing sucked, hopefully starting a sequel in the next couple months! Thanks for reading:)

To all my r eaders..
Heey guys.
So I decided that I'm going to do a short sequel after I finish up "On My Mind".
But I also started on a new story on another different account with a friend of mine. The account is LWhitty3. Check it out and tell me what you think. Yeah that's like 3 accounts, but I just don't want to start more than one story on this page at a time.
Much love♥


On my mind.
(Chapter fifty-two)
Erika's POV.
It wasn't until the flashes started, that we realized we were wearing sweatpants. I stopped and laughed, "Do you see what we look like right now?" he looked at himself and then at me. He laughed, "Lets go back and change so we can eat in a restaurant." We walked back into the room and he went to his suitcase, while I went to the bathroom. I put on this and kept my hair in the messy bun. I applied a little bit of mascara and sprayed some perfume, then we were off. Cody stopped and signed a few autographs on our way, but I didn't mind. The thing I did mind, were the dirty looks that the girls were giving me. Cody didn't even notice because he was to busy paying attention to the pretty blonde's autograph he was signing. I was jealous and I wanted to rip her head off, but I kept my cool. He dealed with pretty girls everyday, but he still chose me. "Ready?" he asked taking my hand. I nodded and he led me down the sidewalk. I tensed up when we passed the street where Dustin had kidnapped me. He felt me tense up and he put my arm around me. I put one hand around his waist, "Where are we going?" I asked as we continued to walk. "What are some good places that you used to eat at?" he asked. "HM." I said thinking. "Lets go to The Buenos Dias. It's a little cafe type thing that has yummy food." I said as I led him in the direction.

Cody's POV.
We walked into the cafe and little bells ringed. There were booths, tables, and a bar type thing in the front. "Erika!" I heard a mens voice yell. "Ben!" she yelled running over and jumping into his arms. "Oh my gosh, I miss you and all the guys!" she squealed. "I heard you were back but I didn't know if it was true. Who's that?" he asked nodding at me. "You don't recognize him? I dragged you to his concert!" she said coming over and holding my hand, "And now he is my boyfriend." she smiled and I kissed the back of her hand. "Ay mate." I said giving him a bro-shake. "Hey." he smiled a little. "Your concert we went to was actually pretty good." I laughed, "Glad to here you liked it." he turned back to Erika. I have to admit, I was jealous of him. The way he looked at her, was the way I used to look at the girl I was in love with when I was younger. "So how long are you up here for?" he asked curiously. "I am leaving late tomorrow night." she responded. He smiled, "Well I have to get going, but text me. The guys and I will catch up with you." he said. She smiled and nodded, "Alright, bye ben." she said giving him a small hug. She turned back over to me, "He was one of the ones who was there for me when everything happened. He is just my friend, nothing else Cody. Your the one I love." she said noticing my tightened posture and angry look. "I know, I love you too." I said leaning down to kiss her . I could feel her smile against my lips which made me smile. "What can I get you two love birds?" asked the fairly old waitress. We pulled away and Erika blushed a little and looked down. When she looked up, both of there facial expressions went blank.


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*Heeeey(: ..I might post tomorrow and Monday, but other than that I won't be able to post til' next week :O
Sorry but I have a lot of homework and 2 hours of soccer everyday, and I am like dead by the time I get home.
DADADA, who is it?!

On my mind.
(Chapter fifty-one)
Erika's POV.
I was terrified for the funereal, I could already feel the tears coming. I squeezed my eyes shut and let all of the memories of me and Jared. Memories from when he was born, me holding him as a baby, vacations, and everything we have ever done together. I let out a small cry. Cody reached over and squeezed my hand. "Erika we will do this together." he said as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. We arrived at the funereal home and Cody handed the driver money. We got out and met my parents at the entrance.

It was your normal funereal, just with a lot more people. There were lots of tears, sorries, and all of that. Cody helped me to survive it without breaking down and not being able to take it. I am so glad that he told me he loved me. After we left the funereal home, we went back to the hotel. He took my hand and we ran up to the room. As soon as we got in, I went into the bathroom to see what I looked like. My eyes were red and blotchy and a tiny bit of eyeliner was smudged near my eyes. Cody came in and hugged me from behind. "I miss him Cody." he kissed my neck. "I know you do." he said pulling me closer. "How much longer until your flight?" I asked sadly. As much as I supported Cody, I didn't want him to leave. He looked at his watch and then back at me "2 hours." I nodded. "I am going to get changed." I said walking out of the bathroom. I quickly put on this, and went into the bathroom to wash my face. I banged on the door, "Cody stop admiring yourself in the mirror and let me in!" I joked. He laughed, "Let a man pee!" he teased and I heard the flush of the toilet. The water turned on and the door opened. "Took ya long enough." I said pushing past him. He laughed and went into the room. I washed my face and looked in the mirror. Sighing, I threw my hair into a bun and decided against putting on makeup. When I came out Cody was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "You excited for your concert?" I asked Cody. "Yeah I am, I just wish you were going." I sighed, "Yeah I know me too. I wish I could get back in time." I moaned. Little did he know that his mom and I planned a surprise for me to be the girl in his song "Not Just You". He kissed me unexpectedly. "I love you." he said pulling away. "I love you too." I said pulling him back in for a longer kiss. After we were done, we were both smiling. "What do you want to do?" I asked. "Well we could get something to eat." I nodded, "Sounds good." I grabbed my phone, money, and the room key. "Leggo!" I yelled. He laughed and grabbed a sweatshirt, sunglasses, and everything else he needed. We walked down to the lobby and there were a few flashes, but not as many as this morning.

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*Heeeey(: ..I might post tomorrow and Monday, but other than that I won't be able to post til' next week :O
Sorry but I have a lot of homework and 2 hours of soccer everyday, and I am like dead by the time I get home.

To all my r eaders..
Heey guys.
So I was thinking...
That after I end "On My Mind" that I won't continue with a sequel.
I will just write a new story that doesn't involve Cody Simpson.
You guys can comment with what you think and I'll go off of that. If the majority of people want a sequel, I'll do one because I love my readers(:
*Oh& I started to test a Justin Bieber story out on a seperate account. Not sure if I'll continue but check out J_J_J_JB_YEAH and tell me what ya think♥


On my mind.
(Chapter forty-nine)
Erika's POV.
We finished our ice creams and I layed back on the bed. "Cody, you are amazing. You know that? I could never have gone through these past few weeks without you." I said as I grabbed his hands. "Erika, you are honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me." he said as he kissed my hand. "Let's go to bed and end this night on a good note." I said as I pecked him on the lips and crawled underneath the covers. He got underneath the covers with me and I turned off the lights. "Goodnight love." he whispered. "Goodnight." I said as I closed my eyes. After a few minutes I couldn't sleep. I just felt like I was going to get hurt again, or that something bad was going to happen. "Cody?" I asked. "Yes babe?" I  turned around and squirmed into his arms. "Hold me." he laughed, "Of course." I closed my eyes and felt safe. The next morning I woke up, still in Cody's arms. "Erika." he said lightly shaking him. I rolled around and he laughed. "Erika get up!" I moaned. "No." I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head. He got up and sat on top of me. "Erika" he whispered into my ear. He kissed his neck a few times and I rolled over. "Now I'm up." I said as I sat up. He was sitting on his lap, "Time to get ready!" he said getting off of my lap. I groaned, "Fine." I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. When I got out I put on this, Today was the day I was dreading, the funereal. I was not ready to let my brother go. I slumped out of the bathroom and into the mini kitchen. Cody was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. "Your turn." I said as I brushed my hair. He finished up eating cereal and put the bowl in the sink. I decided now to eat anything and I knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in!" he yelled. "I just need to do my makeup and hair." I mumbled. "You don't need to wear makeup, you already look beautiful." he said popping his head out of the shower. I rolled my eyes. "Just let me do my makeup." I said turning to face him. He laughed and put his head back into the shower. I put on my usual makeup and put some mousse into my hair. I braided my bangs and clipped them back with a black clip. "I am coming out." Cody said as he turned off the shower. "Alright I am done." I said as I shuffled out of the bathroom. A few minutes later Cody came out wearing this,
"You look nice." Cody said with a smile. I gave him a tiny smile, I couldn't be happy today. "You want to call a cab to pick us up for 11?" I asked. He nodded and went to get his phone. "We have an hour to blow." I said to Cody. "Do you want to go call Jake and the rest of the guys?" I nodded and we went to sit on the bed.

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On my mind.
(Chapter forty-eight)
Cody's POV.
"I want ice cream, it always makes me feel better." Erika said as she set up on the bed and leaned her head on my shoulder. "You want to go get some?" She shook her head and I laughed. "Room service!" she insisted. "Flavor?" I asked. "Uh chocolate with gummy bears." she gave me a half smile. "Alright." I smiled and went to the phone to order our ice creams. When I came back she was curled up and facing the wall. "What's on your mind baby doll?" I asked as I plopped down on the bed. She scooted over to where I was laying and leaned her head on my shoulder. "When Dustin to-ok me and did all of that stuff." she said pausing and sniffling. "I felt like my sister was there with me and she helped me not to lose it. Like she was telling me no matter what happened, I would be okay. It sounds crazy, but I swear I felt it." she finished and her eyes were watery. "Oh Erika, come here." I said pulling her closer to me. She nestled her face into my chest and I held her until there was a knock on the door. "Room service!" A mans voice piped. She pulled away and we both stood up to get the ice cream. I put my arm around her and she held me around the waist. I opened the door and took the ice cream, "Thank you." I pulled a few dollar bills out of my pocket and handed it to the bell boy. "Ice cream is my second favorite thing in the world." Erika said as she took a big spoonful of her ice cream. "Oh really? What's the first thing? i teased. "I can you give you a hint.' she joked. "Does this have anything to do with it?" I teased as I leaned in a pecked her on the lips. "It might.' she said as she pulled me into a longer, more passionate kiss.

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