
Joined: July 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 316697

the names Lizzie
(+) witty, tumblr, facebook, youtube, chocolate, my friends, animals, movies, my bf, texting, shopping, vacations, karate, bball, track, PLL, food, gum, trampolines, the sun, long hair, summer & winter, chips, hollywood undead, secondhand serenade, music, taylor swift, scary movies, make up, biking, disney channel
(-) jerks, self-centered people, people who put others down, mean people, jockers, people who take hours to text back, vanilla, talking on the phone, really expensive clothes, not being able to buy something because they don't have it in your size, eating too much and feeling fat, canceled plans, school, drama, homework, lies, rude people.

my tumblr:
main account:

my face:


All about me

ItDoesntEvenMatterHowHardYouTry's Favorite Quotes

Famous people: I  just boght a million dollar house and me and my husband/wife went out to eat at a really expensive fancy restaurant after we went on a week long vacation to a beautiful island.

Me: Sometimes my mom buys food.

this format is a copyright of h0peful. do not steal and claim as your own. you may use this as long as you keep this in the coding. there is no excuse if you do otherwise.
this format is a copyright of h0peful. do not steal and claim as your own. you may use this as long as you keep this in the coding. my coding is now licensed so there is no excuse if you do otherwise.
this format is a copyright of h0peful. do not steal and claim as your own. you may use this as long as you keep this in the coding. my coding is now licensed so there is no excuse if you do otherwise.

maybe if i bang my head on the wall a few times i'll die


this format is a copyright of h0peful. do not steal and claim as your own. you may use this as long as you keep this in the coding. my coding is now licensed so there is no excuse if you do otherwise.

©format & quote by: h0peful

What I want to say when i see pretty girls-
Me: stop having perfect hair
Me: stop being skinny
Me: stop being pretty 
Me: stop getting boyfriends
Me: stop being perfect 
Me: i hate you 
Me: everytime i look at you i feel uglier
Me: why does my life suck right now


© format and quote by: h0peful


Benefits of knowing me: You can stand beside me and look 100 times more attractive than you actually are.


Fact: The human brain makes you see yourself as five times more attractive than you really are.

Me: Well f#ck.