
Joined: February 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 151977

Quotes by IceBreaker

Love is irrational,
»»»» the more you
love someone,
the less sense
anything makes.

I'm sick of this.
I'm sick of dressing up in those "sexy" clothes.
I'm sick of wearing those »»» push up bras.
I'm sick of wearing those short shorts/skirts.
I'm sick of waxing/shaving 24/7.
I'm sick of caking on the eyeliner; mascara; and foundation/concealer.
I'm sick of faking my voice; to make it sounds girlier.
I'm sick of acting like i don't care when he never texts me "later".
I'm sick of trying to impress the one boy that will never care.


But you're never gonna see
just how good it's gonna be
until you give me a

It's just how she lives.
Loving // all // the // wrong // people
& wishing all the wrong things.
Tear stained cheeks are just her style.
& wearing her heart on her sleeve is nothing new.
Everyone knows she's tired of not being able to breath.
Her big fake smiles, her false laughs
but it still seems almost perfect

it's like crossing the street
w h e n y o u k n o w y o u s h o u l d n ' t
when that red light is up, but you don't care
you want to f e e l; a little dangerous
but you're cautious, you still look before anything
making sure there's no possible way to get hurt

y u g f r i t
you take that first :l e a p -x- off: the curb
y o u f e e l f i n e ;; a l l i s g o i n g w e l l
then you start thinking about what could go wrong
--------------->what if you didn't spot a car?
or what if a cop is right around the corner?

what if...?
but it's too late now [( n o t u r n i n g b a c k )]
you start to hurry, just in case
you might get a >l i t t l e r e c k l e s s< in your rush
you hit the curb and fall the last thing on your mind
g e t t i n g h u r t b y t h e o t h e r s i d e
=f=a=l=l=i=n=g= d o w n, you didn't expect it,
you couldn't have even i m a g i n e d it
there's just no way but it >>>still happened<<<
so after all you still got hurt
right when you were l e a s t e x p e c t i n g i t
yeah, love is just like that.

" I think it's time I let you go.
-& it's really hard for me to do because I know that
there's a part of me that will be i n l o v e with y o u
for the rest of my life. //////////// <-----
But this whole running in place && (day dreaming)
♥ - is just not healthy for either of us. "

"To let go isn't to forgot, not to think about, or ignore.
It doesn't leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret. ♥
Letting go i s n ' t about (( w i n n i n g o r l o s i n g )) .
It's n o t about pride &&& it's not about how you appear,
and it's not obsessing or dwelling on the past. ///////////
; L e t t i n g g o i s n o t b l o c k i n g m e m o r i e s
or thinking [sad thoughts], &&&- doesn't leave emptiness,
hurt, or sadness. It's not about giving in or giving up. -x-
Letting go isn't about loss &&& it's not about defeat.
To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome
&& m o v e o n .
** It is having an open mind confidence in the *- future. -*
Letting go is (learning) &&& experiencing &&& (growing).
To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made
you laugh, made you cry, &&& made you grow.
It's about all that you have, all that you had, &&& all that
you will soon gain. Letting go is having the courage to
accept change, &&& the strength to keep moving. <----
Letting go is growing up. It is realizing
that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy.
- T o l e t g o i s t o open a door, &&& to clear a path


"Her life was beginning to make sense again,
although she couldn't say she was enjoying it. But her mind was clear,
and her heart was not constantly as heavy. Only when she thought about him.
But she knew that in time, she'd survive it.
She had done it before and would again.
Eventually the heart repairs."

It's called falling in love for a reason;