
Status: Are you Sirius? :D
Joined: June 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311920
Location: Hogwarts school of Wizardry for young Wizards and Witches
Gender: F

Hey there :D
Call me Artemis ;)

|Weirdo and proud|Straight|
|Unknown species|Loony|Rétárd|
|Story writer|Friends|Born to live|
|Harry Potter|Ravenclaw|Smartass|
|You’re so beautiful, IT'S TRUE!|
|Drive by- Train|Fireflies- Owl City|
|Beautiful- James Blunt|
|Soul Sister- Train|
|Let The Sun Shine- Labrinth|
|Dynamite- Taio Cruz|
|Payphone- Maroon 5|
|Hall Of Fame- The Script


I am a very AWESOME and RANDOM person :D

Rainbow! :D

Magic in the air.

Severus Snape- the original Emo kid ;)

Why so Sirius?

Jingle bells, Twilight smells, POTTER ALL THE WAY! Bella's yuck, Edward súcks, POTTER ALL THE WAY!

For Narnia!
Dobbie is a free elf!
Come at me bro!

(c) HannRashidi


Quotes by HannRashidi

OH PLEASE! Stop with that "Twilight" thing! It's utter crap!

-...*Harry Potter forever!*...-

(Not meant to offend Twilight fans)

MQ (c)
Yo mama so fat *1*

Yo Mama is so fat, that when she went to the beach and went for a swim, the whales started singing "We are family! Even though you're fatter than me!"

(Not meant to offend- 20 or more faves for more disses, please and thankyou!)
I can't even draw a STICKMAN to save mah life!!!!!!!!!!
Me with friends
Friend: Go to hell (joke)
Me: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

Me and my enemy
Her: Go. To. Hell.
Me: I don't wanna go to your house! But thanks for the invite anyway *smiles*
'Cause you had a bad day,
You're takin' one down,
You sing a sad song just to turn it around!
You say you don't know,
You tell me don't lie,
You work for a smile and go for a ride,
You had a bad day,
The camera don't lie,
You're coming back down and you really don't mind,
You had a bad day,
You had a bad day.

I will love you forever and ever. Until the world ends. For all eternity. Never forget. All of you reading this. That I will, and that I do. FOREVER .

And who else remembers MR.MAGORIUM'S WONDER EMPORIUM?

It is NOT a glass. It is a CHALICE...
Made of GLASS...
When you successfully crack your knuckles