
Joined: May 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 176300

best viewed
in safari



 reality is wrong; dreams are for real.
believe in yourself, even when no-one else does♥.
Life's a climb but the view is great.

Hey, I'm Georgia. I'm just a normal teenager living out her life. I have my own problems yet I normally concentrate on helping other's with theirs. I'm thirteen, and I'm moving up to Year 8. I don't have any 'real' friends at school. I have 'friends' there, but they aren't people who I can express myself with. The only people I can talk to properly are Grace [BrownEyesBlackEyeliner] and Sunny [she doesn't have a Witty]. <-- They are my gorgeous best friends♥. I have a Stardoll account: Forever_And_Me so if you have one also, go check me out. (: I love making quotes, even if I don't make them constantly. I spend too much time on the computer. I won't bore you with my pretty suckish life so I'll stop going on. If you read this, I love you♥.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with one step.

Quotes by GeorgiaMeghann

I love Detox Weekend because it shows that everyone's equal and the faves are just for the quotes, which should happen anyway. Also, I love it because it shows that Steve listens to our suggestions and decides to do something about them. :3

       Alpha , Kenny, Body       


           I, 1, 2, 4, Q        


     I, M, 2, 6, C, 4, U       


           I,     1,     2,     ½,     6        


i'm going 

 to end up like Plankton and marry my computer.


"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!"
"No, I just woke up on the



not mine.



nerdy girl takes off her glasses and instantly becomes beautiful and everyone stops and stares at her 'newly-found beauty'.


real life:

nerdy girl takes off her glasses and everyone holds up fingers and asks her if she can see.


you go for handshake.
they go for fist bump.


not mine