
Joined: September 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 215606


Main account:

If I don't do your request within a day or two or comment you back, please leave a comment on my main account, as I check that one more often.

Are you in need of an amazing format? Do you want to jazz up your quotes? Then you've come to the right place! At FunkyMonkeyFormats, you can get quality formats any time you want! Feel free to browse the shelves, and when you find something you like, just click on "get code" and copy it! Can't find what you're looking for? Then request! You can request by leaving a comment here, or on the website. (Links to the left) 
Be sure to red the guidelines below so I can make your format the best as possible... wait that was horrible grammar. So I can make your format really attractive. There.
Request guidelines:
Be really specific. Tell me any borders, backgrounds, colors, shadows, fonts, etc. that you want.
I will try to have it done within a day.


Quotes by FunkyMonkeyFormats

Here's a format I made.
Feel free to use it.
If you like it and want something similar, request!

  format ©FunkyMonkeyFormats

Here's a format to use.
Like it?
Want another one similar?
Then request!
More text here.
More text here.

format ©FunkyMonkeyFormats

This is a format I made.
Feel free to use it.
Like it but want something different? Request!

format ©FunkyMonkeyFormats

Here's a format you can use 
More text here. 

  format ©FunkyMonkeyFormats

I just want to say thank you.

Thank you to anybody who is following me, faved my formats, checked out my website, or used my formats. This account was something I started for fun, I'm surprised anybody is actually using these. 
I'm not very popular on witty, not like _randomrequest or any other format etc. accounts. But all that matters to me is that people enjoy what I do.
So if you fave, follow, or use my formats, it means A LOT :)


This is a format I made.
Feel free to use it.


Here's a format you can use :)


Here's a format you can use :)

This is a format I made.
Feel free to use it.


Here's a format you can use :)


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