
Joined: June 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 304596
hey people!:)
Follow me please (:

Quotes by ForeverYoungYOLO

i really hope we talk again... i just have to wait, be patient and stay strong! we use to be bestfriends:) i don't want to lose you forever... i have to believe, pray and hope... i have to let you be and let time heal... we will talk again, no matter how long its takes, it will happen.

IS NIALL HORON WITH CARLY RAY JEPSEN???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting headbutted by a horse in the HEAD hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/
I'm having one of those days were I think about you all day... All the memories come flooding back! I don't want to get back together, I just want my bestfriend back. Maybe in the future we could sort this out </3 but for the time being I just have to put a smile on my face, let time heal and move the hell on. People think that I'm over you by now, they're wrong. I forgot about you for a few weeks, but then I dreamt of you and woke up crying... You meant the world to me but obviously I didn't mean the world to you... 

What hurts the most is that I have to accept the fact the we might never talk again, thats what kills me the most </3
It's the memories that kill me...

I realised I must have been dreaming about you
because I woke up crying

Format by Sandrasaurus

Time started: 18:32 pm
Gender: Female
Birthday: Feburary 1
Siblings: 1 brother
Eye color: Brown
Shoe size: 5
Height: 5'2 and a half
What are you wearing: jeans and top
Where do you live: A house.
Righty or lefty: Lefty.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: I don't have any change around.
Who are your closest friends: Katy, Emily, Sarah and Sophie
Best place for a date? Beach, movies.
Where is your fav place to shop: HMV, HomeBargains and Pulp
Favorite kind of plant? Lily.
Fave Color? Pink.
Fave Number: 1.
Fave Boys Name: Harry
Fave Girls Name: Lola
Fave Sport: horse riding
Fave Month: july
Movies: Nemo.
Juice: Apple.
Icecream: Cookie Dough.
Breakfast food: Pancakes.
Favorite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny.
Given anyone a bath: my dog...
Smoked: No and I never will.
Made yourself throw-up: I could.... but haven't.
Gone skinny dipping:  don't think so haha
Eaten a dog: Grosss nooo.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole? Yeahh.
Loved someone so much it made you cry? sadly -_-
Broken a bone?Nope
Played truth or dare: Yes.
Been in a physical fight: Yep.
Been in a police car: Nope.
Been on a plane: mhm
Come close to dying: I don't think so .
Been in a sauna: a what?
Been in a hot tub: So many times.
Cried when someone died: obvs
Cried in school: yeah.
Fell off your chair: Yup.
Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yeah.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Don't have either of those.
Saved e-mails: Nope.
Fallen for one of your best guy friends: Yeah
Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
Used someone: Idk.
Whats your good luck charm? Don't have one.
Best song you ever heard: moments by 1D
What's your bedroom like: A complete mess.
Last thing you said: hahaha 
What is beside you? a lamp
Last thing you ate: pasta
What kind of shampoo do you use? The cheap kind.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: my boyfriend broke up with me and i never see him or talk to him :/
Chicken Pox: No.
Sore Throat: So many times.
Stitches: yes
Broken nose:No way.
Do You Believe in love at first sight: No.
Like school: Sometimes.
What schools have you gone to: junior school and high school
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: I'd probably puke but sure.
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Family, Friends
Who was the last person that called you: Katy
What makes you laugh the most? My best friend.
What makes you smile? horses.
Last Person you yelled at: myself
Told you that they love you: Mom.
Is your loudest friend: Probably Emily.
Do you like filling these out? yeahh they free me from my boredom.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses
Do you like yourself: Not really.
Do you get along with your family:Sometimes.
Stolen anything over $50: No.
What are you listening to right now? 1D

What did you do yesterday: horse riding.
Got any awards: Yep.
What car do you wish to have: honda
Where do you want to get married: Probably the beach.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Weight, skin, and many other things.
Good driver: dont drive
Good Singer: Not really.
Have a lava lamp: Used to.
How many remote controls are in your house: Too many.
Double jointed: Idk.
What do you dream about: Living in Paradise.
Last time you showered: Last night.
Last time you took a bath: Forever ago.
Scary or happy movies: Depends on my mood.
Chocolate or white chocolate: Both(:
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root beer.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Whatt?
Vanilla or chocolate:Chocolate(:
Summer or winter: Love both.
Silver or Gold: Gold(:
Diamond or pearl: Diamond.
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
Sprite or 7up: Sprite.
Cats or dogs: Dogs.
Coffee or tea: Coffee.
Phone or in person: In person .
Indoor or outdoor?: Outdoor.
End Time: 18:40

I'm obsessed with House Of Anubis .

Format by Sandrasaurus

Happy One Direction Day:) ♥

Format by Sandrasaurus


You know the speed of light, so what's the speed of dark?


format by sandrasaurus