
Joined: December 15, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 139870

Quotes by Face_In_The_Crowd

There’s a lot of different kind of breakups.
Angry. Where there’s screaming and yelling, and you’re happy to go.
But with those, you still have all the love. You just don’t know where to put it anymore.
Sad. Where you don’t want to leave. But the circumstances tear you apart.
And with those, the feelings never go away.
Understanding. Where that person just isn’t the same anymore, and you sincerely hope they find happiness.
And with those, you can’t help but wonder, “What if…”
And there’s the kind of breakups that make you want to die.
The slow ones. The ones that begin early on, drag on and on for months until you finally break apart.
You don’t know that person anymore.
You just
And those are the very worst kind.

He goes out of his way to stare at you.
Trust me
I've watched him do it.

If Iwere in a crowd,

You probably
wouldn't notice me.

I don't really stand out

But somhow,

you did. 


Girl, that's not love.
See the way you look at him?
He never looks back the same.
See the way you pour all over him?
He's distracted, looking somewhere else.
See the way you think of him 24/7?
He forgets you exist.
See the way you call and text over and over?
His phone's not dead. He's ignoring you.

Girl, open your EYES. 

You are his option.


Wanna know who your real friends are?
Then see who's still there.


If I had the chance
To hurt you like you hurt me

I wouldn't take it

Remember that time when I borowed your brand new car and dented it? I thought you would kill me.
But you didn't.
Remember that time when I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did? I thought you'd say "I told you so."
But you didn't.
Do you remember that time when I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous and you were? I thought you'd leave.
But you didn't.
Remember when I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug? I thought you'd hit me. But you didn't.
And remember the time I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal, and you showed up in jeans? I thought you'd drop me.
But you didn't.
Yes, there were a lot of things you didn't do. But you put up with me, loved me, and protected me.
There were a lot of things I wanted to make up for when you got home from Iraq.
But you didn't. ♥

Remember that time when I borowed your brand new car and dented it?
I thought you would kill me.
But you didn't.

Remember that time when I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you'd say "I told you so."
But you didn't.

Do you remember that time when I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous and you were?
I thought you'd leave.
But you didn't.

Remember when I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug?
I thought you'd hit me.
But you didn't.

And remember the time I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal, and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you'd drop me.
But you didn't.

Yes, there were a lot of things you didn't do.
But you put up with me, loved me, and protected me.
There were a lot of things I wanted to make up for when you got home from Iraq.

But you didn't.


"Hey, what's up?"

Me: *Takemebacktakemebacktakemeback

"Oh, nothing."