
Status: Whatta weekkk. @.@
Joined: December 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: July 7
user id: 254723
Location: District Four, Panem.
Gender: F
Hello Gorgeous♥
I'm EmmaKassie and I'm a writer here on wittyprofiles.com. :D Right now, I'm writing a story called 'Untouchable'. I'd absolutely love you to pieces if you took the time to either of them and told me what you thought, but if you don't that's fine too. :) To help you decide whether or not you'd like to read it, here's a description:
'Untouchable' is about a private school girl who falls in love but feels trapped within her strict parents and "perfect" life. Will she find away to be with the love of her life before it's too late?
So since this is supposed to be an "about me" I'll tell you a little more about me
. My name's Emma, I'm fourteen years old and I'm gonna be in 10th grade come next school year. I'm one of the youngins in my grade because my birthday is August 15th, 1997. Hollah at me if we're twinzies!♥ ;)
Other things I love, besides writing, are:
Drawing, Singing, Laughing, Running, Eating, Sleeping, Watching Tv, Riding My Bike, Running, Walking, Being With My Friends, Having A Summer Birthday, Going To The Beach, Having Plans With My Friends, Chocolate, Art, Every Single Detail About Summer, Candy, Food, WittyProfiles, and much much more. ♥
One of the things I would LOVE THE MOST is to make some friends on here. Comment on my profile if you wanna know more about mee. :) I need a witty sistah!
Tah tah for now, you wonderful, flawless lady. ;)
I hope I hear from you!!!!!!!!!!

Quotes by EmmaKassie

Chapter Twelve
     Weeks passed and I texted him everyday, and everyday he'd ask me to go do something with him. But I never could, no matter how much I wanted to because in the summer, I'm constantly busy. I get tutored, I have piano and ballet lessons, we go on a two week long vacation to some island somewhere, and do some much more. And this summer, I had a new routine. Everynight, I'd lay and bed and cry. I hate my life. All I wanted to see was Kyle.
But I never cried as hard or as long as I did tonight, and let me tell you exactly why.
I woke up at 6 am as usual, and got up and dressed for my day of piano, ballet, and probably other things Charolette will throw at me. I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Kyle.
From: Kyle Hendricks
Goodmorning, beautiful. :)

I smiled and sighed.
Goodmorning, handsome. (: I miss you.
I put my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs where breakfast was waiting for me on the dinning room table where everyone else was sitting and eating. I joined them.
The family talked generally about life, and how their lessons were going. We all said pretty much the same stuff everyday and it gets really boring.
Kyle didn't respond before I had to go to piano, which is unusual. I figured he probably just fell back asleep. Every morning, he wakes up at 6 just to say goodmorning to me, so I bet he did just fall asleep.
Piano lasts an hour and a half and starts at 7:30. Usually, I enjoy piano but today I felt uneasy. I just wanted to hear from Kyle. I don't know why I was so worried, but I was.
At 9, I headed up to my room and changed for ballet, which was another hour and a half starting at 10. For an hour, I just sat in my room, waiting for a text message. I tried to decide whether I should text him again or not. I just didn't understand why he hadn't answered. I tried calming myself down.
At 9:45, I headed to ballet and left my phone in my room at home.
While Charolette was driving me we passed The Cream Bar, which reminded me of Kyle and I's first date. I smiled at the Cream Bar, where we'd only been briefly.
There was a bench outside where I saw a boy and a girl sitting on a bench. As we drove by the bench, I realised the boy was Kyle. He was sitting and laughing with some blonde girl with super pretty long hair and cute clothes. At the last point that I could see them, they leaned in and kissed.
My stomach churned and I was holding back tears. Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks at anytime. I couldn't go to ballet.
"Charolette." I said, uneasily and shakey.
"Yes honey?" She asked, looking back at me through the rearview mirror.
"I... I don't feel good." I managed. "My stomach hurts."
"Alright, I'll call up your ballet instructor and tell her you're sick." She said as she turned around by using the parking lot of the Cream Bar. I couldn't stand to look back at the bench where I'd seen Kyle and the girl kissing. I was positive I'd really be sick then. 

  Sorry it took so long for me to get the chapter outt. :p enjoy

Chapter Eleven
     The sides of my mouth turned up as I fell asleep on his chest. It all sounded so good, to just be with him and only him, not having a thing to worry about. At peace and relaxed, it was easy to fall asleep. But once I did, I regreted it.

I saw Charolette, knocking worriedly at my door. "Clarissa? Clarissa!? Rissa, open this door immediately, I'm serious!" She was screaming. The little ones were up and watching silently from their door ways. Even Benjemin and Harold were out and watching. Everyone, but Janessa who stayed within her locked room as well, but she'd answered when Charolette talked to her.
Charolette was pacing around nervously.
"Perhaps she fell asleep." Harold suggested.
"She said she had a lot of homework." Arianna added.
"She probably locked the door so we didn't disturb her studies and then fell asleep." Sophia, my other little sister said.
"She is a deep sleeper..." Charolette said, getting convinced.
"Don't worry about it." Ben said. "Nothing happened to her."
"Fine." Charolette said. "Everyone, to bed."
She headed down the hall into her own sleeping chamber and my siblings all returned to their beds. But Janessa never showed her face.

I woke with a start, sitting straight up and therefore waking Kyle up, if he was asleep. I stood up and looked around. It was still night time. The beach was empty and there was no one in sight. Kyle was sitting up now too, rubbing his eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked me in a tired croacky voice.
"I need to go home, Kyle. I really do." I told him and he stood up too, grabbing hold of my arms and looking into my panicked eyes.
"It's alright, Riss." He yawned, putting his jacket back on. "I'll take you home now."
"I'm sorry, Kyle." I sighed.
He smiled at me and yawned again. "It's fine, don't worry."
I picked my shoes up and carried them back down the hill and across the beach toward Kyle's car across the street.
"It really sounded good, you know." I tell him after a long silence in the car.
"Hmm?" He asked.
"Running away. Just you and me. I want to do it, but I just can't. I'm too scared." I said, sighing.
"Scared for my family. Scared I'd get in trouble. Not scared of being with you." I explained.
"It's okay, Clarissa. You have so much going for you in school and at home, you probably have a lot of pressure on your shoulders, and we can always find ways to see each other, clearly, no matter how crazy they may be." He said. "It wouldn't be worth it for you to just loose all of it." 
"I want to be with you though." I said.
"Back at you."
The rest of the car ride was pretty quite. I was drifting somewhere between sleep and reality, and Kyle was trying hard to stay awake and focus on the road. 
He pulled into the spot he picked me up in earlier last night.
"Clarissa? We're here." He said, patting my shoulder. I sat up and look around.
"Thanks, Kyle." I said in a sleepy voice and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He said.
I got out and closed the door, still shoeless. I carried my shoes as I tip toed across the lawn, avoiding the security cameras. I climbed up the ladder as carefully as I could, changed into what I'd been wearing that day, and jumped into bed and surrounded myself with open text books and work to make it look like I'd been working. Right before I went to sleep, I sent Kyle a text:
'Thank you for an amazing night.♥♥'
He replied after a few minutes.
From: Kyle Hendricks
Anything for you. ;) ♥♥

  Enjoy! :D

Chapter Ten
     He held my hands across the table, gazing easily into my eyes, and mine were locked to his as well. We talked about how we, tonight, could run away together. We could pitch a tent somewhere and stay there, safely wrapped in each other's arms, tangled up in blankets and pillows and just be happily together forever. How it would be so easy to just leave our other lives behind and be with each other.
I smiled a calm, relaxed smile. I was just so happy. I couldn't believe that it was only the second date and already, we were talking about a future together.
"What if we finish school?" I asked. "What if we got through college together, got jobs, and bought our own house, and furniture and began our own family?" I felt so comfortable having this conversation.
"Then we would have 2 girls and 1 boy. They'd have your straight brown hair."
"And your amazing hazel eyes." I added.
"And your amazing smile." He said.
"And they'd be smart and athletic."
"And ours." He said, smiling.
Our waitress, Trisha, came with the bill and Kyle paid it, then placed it on the table. Then we got up and left the restaurant. I headed for the small, shiny black car, but then I felt Kyle's hand wrap around mine.
"So anxious to leave, are you?" He asked.
"Of course not." I say, smiling.
"Then let's finish the date." He said and led me toward the crosswalk that led to the beach. I took off my shoes to walk in the cool sand. Across the beach, there were people walking along the shore, bonfires, and children running with sparklers in hand.
We walked, with my hand in Kyle's, slowly shuffling our feet in the sand. We didn't even say a word. We just enjoyed the sound of the ocean's gentle waves crashing and the excitement in the voices at a distance from us. We peacefully shared the moment together.
He led me up on a big hill coated with rocks. There was a path that led up and we followed it together.
At the top, there was an amazing view from the ocean. As far as the eye could see, it was all ocean with the soft reflection of the full moon dancing across it.
Kyle and I took a seat next to each other, leaning against a large rock, fingers still tangled together.
"This is amazing, Kyle." I whispered as I leaned toward him and rested my head on his shoulder. He let go of my hand and slipped his arm around my waist and held me close to him and rubbed my back.
I found myself looking up at his soft, full lips turned up slightly into a smile. His hazel eyes were closed gently as he relaxed.
I looked out at the ocean again, the waves easing in and out as the tide rode up on the beach below. The stars twinkled above us on a clear June night and the moon eluminated the scene.
I went back to looking up at Kyle again. He looked the way I felt, happy and promised. I could look at this face forever, I could stay in with him forever, I could live in this moment. Being with him made me feel as if anything was possible. As if he and I could do anything together. That he was the one.
His eyes opened and his grin grew across his face.
"Hi." He said, laughing a little and I smiled.
"Hi." I said back, smiling and laughing some too.
"You okay?" He asked, as he ran his hand up in down my back at a soothing pace.
"Better than okay." I said.
Knowing just what I wanted, he leaned over to me and kissed me. This time, we weren't restricted in time, or at least it didn't feel like it. This time, it was a longer kiss. To make up for all the weeks we'd been apart and joining us together for the night. Making me feel happy and passionate and as if I were living in a fairytale. Every now and then, we'd end up breaking for a breath or two, but other than that we just kept kissing, his lips venturing from my mouth to my cheek and down my neck as he pecked me. I giggled and blushed and butterflies shot throughout my body.
He made his way back up to my mouth and we kept kissing. He held me close to him and I never wanted him to let go. I never wanted to stop. Ever.
But we did.
"I'm sorry, I'm tired." He said as he laid down on the dirt, resting his head on his coat. He spred it out enough for me to lay beside him too. I laid down and kissed his cheek, right by the corner of his mouth. He turned onto his side, facing me and kissed my lips some more, gently rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand. 
We began to fall asleep, happily wrapped in each other's arms. Our lips rested, still on each other.
Right before we fell asleep, he whispered to me and I felt his lips moves with the words on mine.
"Let's really run away together. Tomorrow." 

  Sorry I took so long to post this! I've been pretty busy. :x
This is the last time I'm notifying, so please follow me or check back here daily to see if there's a new chapter up.
Thanks lovesss. :)

Chapter Nine
     Ari led me into her room.
"I can't play very long, Ar." I told her. "I have a lot of homework to do."
"On a Friday?" She asked and sat down on her floor near her dolls.
"Yeah... it's a big project due Monday, assigned today. It's.. nevermind. You wouldn't understand."
Ari shrugged. "Okay."
We played for 15 minutes. It reminded me of the good old days, with Janessa and I. I missed those days, but it was time to go see Kyle. I missed him more.
 I went outside and set up a tall ladder that lead to my balcony outside my room.
When I returned to my room, I locked the door behind me, and I got ready for my date. Black skinny jeans, a light pink sweater, gold bangles and hoops, and tan kitten heels. (http://www.polyvore.com/clarissas_second_date_outfit/set?id=53927100 )

I climbed down carefully, phone in hand and made it to the ground successfully. I snuck down the front of the lawn and made it off the property. I felt really nervous, standing there waiting for Kyle to come pick me up. What if Charolette notices that I'm gone? What if she comes out now? What if one of the neighbors tell her they saw me outside? I felt anxious and nervous, until I saw a shiny, small, black car driving down the road and started to pull over in front of me.
I got in the car, buckled and there he was next to me again. I smiled right away.
"Well, hello beautiful." He said, smiling back. I blushed. 
"Hello, handsome." I laughed.
"It's nice to see you again." He said.
"Nice to see you too, of course." I say smiling.
"Well, here we go. We're going somewhere special tonight." He said mysteriously. He held his hand out and grabbed mine in his and I smiled.
It took 45 minutes to get to the ocean, so we arrived at 6 o'clock. He parked across the street from the beach, in front of a seafood restaurant. We walked in together, hand in hand. I couldn't stop smiling as he led me inside the restaurant. I was so happy to be with him again.
We sat at the table and talked non-stop and laughed now and then. It was as if we'd been together every single day of these past few weeks. It was just like that night at Mary's Kitchen. He was perfect.
He is perfect.
  So, I decided to use my friend's polyvore. (On here, she's EmilyBasketballStar13. Go follow her!) I pasted the link to her outfit on here, in case you wanted to see it. I also did her first date outfit so here's the link to that too if you wanna see it. http://www.polyvore.com/clarissas_first_date_outfit/set?id=53927693 
Sorry, I made the chapter too long so I had to cut it short. Chapter ten should be better I hope. haha:)
Thanks for reading! :D

   Chapter Eight
                 Days didn't pass as fast without Kyle. All I wanted was to be with him. I was glad that I could at least text him, but I just wish that I could look into those hazel eyes and see his smile, and get to know him more. I missed that day when we were together, one of the happiest days of my life. 
Charolette wouldn't let me walk home again. It wasn't because of Kyle, because she doesn't know about him. I told her that I was just going to the Cream Bar with friends from school. She just won't let me because she thinks it's dangerous and the second one of us gets harmed in any way, is the second she loses her job.
The days seemed routine. I wasn't as worried about what the people around me thought. I didn't even care when Thomas Knight decided to talk to me, and that's saying something. If I hadn't walked home that day, I would be excited and happy and feel as though I was actually getting somewhere. But I just talked to him like a regular person for only a few minutes about homework.
As days turned into weeks without seeing Kyle, I felt as though we were growing apart, even though we still texted everyday. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to be with him too much and Kyle kept asking me to go places. I couldn't say no again.
There was two options that immediately came to mind. Either sneak out, or tell Charolette you're going out to eat with some friends again and take your chances with her saying no. Since I couldn't decide which, I resorted to my Janessa for advice.
I walked into her room for the first time in a while. Janessa was nowhere in sight.
"Jan?" I called, looking around for her.
Suddenly her bathroom door slammed shut.
"I'm busy, Riss!" She called, hoarsly.
"Jan, are you okay?" I asked, startled by her behavior. I ran over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Jan? Jan! Janessa Marie. What the hell are you doing?!" I burst, now I was worried.
"Clarissa, if you don't go away I'll tell Charolette EVERY f.cking secret you've ever told me. Now get the f.ck away!" She screamed and tears formed in my eyes.
Janessa's never talked to me like that before. I was just trying to help her out, like she always does for me. Maybe now's just not a good time. 
I ran from her room and into mine, throwing myself on my bed and crying. I just wanted to know that she was okay, like she always was. But I could tell she wasn't, not this time.
I heard some one come into my room, my youngest sister Arianna.
"Rissa?" She asked, in a small voice. "What's wrong?"
I smiled weakly. "Nothing, Ari." 
"Can you come play with me?" She asked, smiling a little.
Suddenly I remembered doing the same thing when I was younger, asking Janessa to play with me. I decided to be as good of an older sister as Jan was to me.
"Of course." I say, smiling and drying my tears.

          Sorry, this is kind of a boring chapter. I know you guys were all looking foward to this chapter. But this is just starting up some more excitement. I hope you like it anyway! :)

   Chapter Seven
                Dinner was amazing. Kyle was so polite and funny and adorable. I loved everything about him. From his personality, to his wide smile and scruched eyes when he laughed. He made me smile and laugh, and we had such an awesome time together.
Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was 11:30.
"Oh my god!" I burst after checking the time on my phone.
"What!?" Kyle burst, alarmed.
"I have to get home, Charolette's gonna kill me!" I explained, starting to get up and ready. Kyle did the same.
"Let me drive you home." He insisted. 
I agreed and we dashed out to his car after Kyle paid and tipped Howie. We had our last chat of the night in the car.
"I had a fantastic time with you tonight, Clarissa." He said, keeping his eyes on the road but still smiling for me.
"Me too." I said, smiling back, not that he could see.
"We have to do this again, soon." He said and immediately I nodded my head.
"Definitely." I say.
We sat in a comfortable, peaceful silence. Part of me never wanted to go home, but to just spend the rest of my life in this exact moment with Kyle by my side, nothing else to worry about.
We pulled into my driveway in front of my large house and parked. Kyle and I looked at each other.
"I had an amazing time, thank you so much Kyle." I say, smiling.
"Me too, Rissa. Thank you."He gently picked my hand up and kissed it. I felt my cheeks heat up as I started blushing. 
"You missed." I say, smiling.
 He raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I did?"
"You did." I say.
He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
"Did I miss that time?" He asked.
"Hmm... I don't know. Why don't you try that again?" I asked, smiling.
He leaned over to plant one on my cheek again, and at the last second I turned my head and kissed him back. I felt burst of happiness rush through my body as we kissed. I felt so good, like there was a connection between us. His lips fit perfectly with mine.
Eventually, we pulled away slowly, because although neither of us wanted it to, it had to end sooner than later. Our noses still touched and it seemed like that's as far away from him I could ever imagine being. I found my gaze locked onto his lips, so close to mine. I looked up into his perfect hazel eyes. This was the first time our eyes met so direct and close. I felt his mouth stretch into a smile and his eyes reflected it. I smiled too and pecked his lips and whispered, "I have to go." He kissed me again.
"Goodbye, private school girl." He said with a sweet smile.
"Goodbye, public school boy." I say, smiling back.
'Best first kiss ever.' I thought as I ran toward the house. 'Best guy ever.'

         Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I was dealing with a little writer's block and I was really busy. I really love this chapter soo much. <33 But who cares what i think? Not me. Lol. I got a lot of feedback last week, yayyy! :D I'd love some more.
Thank you for your support! Enjoy!

  Chapter Six
               He led me back outside in the fresh air, his large hand wrapped easily around my small wrist on my right hand. He was kind of dragging me, in such a hurry to get out of there. With his other hand, he appeared to be texting, but I couldn't see to who or what about. I don't think it mattered. He brought me to a small, shiny, black car. 
Right when we were about to get in, a girl called his name from the entrace of the Cream Bar. "Leaving so soon?" She asked, with a frown.
"Go f/ck yourself, Taylor." He called and got in the car, slamming the door. The girl, Taylor, glared at me and reluctantly headed back into the Cream Bar. I got in and looked at him. I didn't know him well, but I wanted to know what the deal was; why he had acted so nervous around that slutty girl.
Personally, she made me sick. Died black hair, too much make up, too little clothes, and the way she hung around the bar that held up the 'Jerry's Cream Bar' sign when she yelled Kyle's name and strutted inside, everything about her had 'disgusting' written all over her in bold, black lettering.
I looked over at Kyle as he drove, focusing so hard on the road it made my eyes sting. He gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. I didn't understand, but now didn't seem like the time to inquire him.
"Where are we going?" I asked, hoping to break him out of whatever he was in. It felt too awkward, not knowing him well. 
For a second, he looked at me, with the same expression he'd been focusing on the road with. It was unpleasant and made me a bit nervous. But his features softened he turned back to the road, more relaxed and I calmed down too.
"Katelyn, I'm so sorry about that." He said, bititng his lower lip as he slowed to a stop at a stop light. Then he turned to me for another brief moment.
"It's fine." I say, softly. 
It was quickly silent again.
"Um.. Kyle.." I say, after a short while.
"Yeah?" He asked, turning into a small restaurant called 'Mary's Kitchen'. He pulled into a spot and turned to me again. I swallowed and continued with what I had to say before it was too late.
"I know this is going to sound weird, and stupid. And it's not even that big a deal so you may think it's a little ridiculous but, I feel incredibly guilty. My name's not really Katelyn." His emotions were interesting to follow.
At first he looked nervous, and then confused. Finally, he looked suprised and laughed a little. "Well, what is it then, mystery girl?" He asked with a wink. I'm glad he wasn't mad.
"Clarissa. Clarissa Clark. Rissa for short." I say, in a small voice. Ashamed of myself for lying. But Kyle didn't care. He laughed some more.
"Well, why'd you say it was Katelyn!?" He asked, as if it were the most random thing.
"I just absolutely despise my name, and I thought now would be a good time to change it." I say in a tinier voice. I shrunk back in my seat a little, humiliated. I couldn't look at him.
"You're too cute." He laughed and grabbed my left wrist. Immediately, I looked up and over at him."Clarissa is such a beautiful name, it fits you so well. Why are you so upset?" He asked, smiling at me. I smiled back weakly. Truth is, I didn't want him to hate me. Especially not now. He's only getting better.
"I don't know." I said weakly, voice cracking.
"Let's get you inside." He said and let go of my wrist. We got out and walked inside.
Our waitor's name was Howie, evidently a really good friend of Kyle's. He had brown hair and grey eyes, but was really perky and goofy, so unlike the people I'd seen at the Cream Bar.
He sat us at a two person booth that was the only one set with a white table cloth and had a glass cup that ready 'Cocoa-Cola' on the side in faded lettering with yellow flowers from the bushes outside sticking out. Two spots were set directly across from each other with china plates and you tensils on folded napkins. Kyle had a huge smile on his face. Suddenly, I knew who he had been texting. 

        I was so excited to write this chapter, I wrote it at one am. I thought it would be more to the point, but I'm kind of glad. Did you enjoy this chapter? Please, let me know! :)
Love you all!

The New Kid

Final Notice.

Hey guys. I don't want to write anymore of this because it's really bad. :P
Everything happened too fast.
But keep reading 'Untouchable', I'll post another chapter today. More of you seem to like that anyway. 
So, thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted! :)
Don't try to change my mind, I'd rather focus on my other one while it's still young. haha.
Okay, thank you all for reading. <3