
Joined: July 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191432

if you're going to change this picture, please make sure the width is 320, and the height is 210. or else it will look rather stupid.

Im not here for you to judge me, or to tell me lies and give empty thoughts. Im just here for the quotes that make me smile, make me think, make me forgive, forget, and be a better person. I learned so much from being on this webiste. From just reading all these wonderful quotes and talking to wonderful people. I hope you get the chance to know me.
Im a 15 year old named Annaliese who recently moved to New York. I live a few minutes from the city, and im still adjusting.
I would like strawberry filled vanilla cake on August 21st when I turn 16, or just a Happy Birthday with a smilley face would be fine(:
There's so much more to tell, but I wouldn't know how to tell it. Just come talk to me. I love making new friends and giving advice.


ElegantBubbles_'s Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.


forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.

May your neighbors respect you

neglect you

protect you

and heaven
accept you


Format By: Pegasister18

Who is Joseph Kony?

If I'd ask you, who is Joseph Kony, you wouldn't know. You should. And that's why I'm going to tell you about him.

Joseph Kony considers himself as a good Christian.
He abducts kids, little girls go in prostitution, little boys become soldiers and are forced to do horrible things, things a kid isn't supposed to be doing. Neither is an adult, for that matter, no one is. He started the LRA, Lord's Resistance Army. 20,000 kids have been kidnapped, this needs to stop. And that's why we need to Make Kony Famous. Let the world know about the horrible things he does, and the thousands of children and parents suffering.

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

So come together, at the April the 20th. That is the day, we will cover the night. People in all kind of cities, all over the world, meet at sundown, and cover the city with posters and stickers of Joseph Kony. To Make Kony Famous.If you want to help these kids and parents, coer the night at 4/20/12/

Not clear enough?
Please watch: http:vimeo.com/37119711

getting serious for a moment.*
this doesn't happen very often.*
please favorite this to show support.*

I love you.
Simple as that, no fancy format.
No long letter.
I just, simply, love you.


Snooki's due date is December 21, 2012

Well played Mayans, well played.


Don't Hate Appreciate.
This quote does not exist.


You know,
other peoples opinons or my own flaws,

or whatever. Like sometimes it helps to

even just look in the mirror.

And it sounds so cheesy, but like, if

you look in the mirror and tell yourself

like 'you are beautiful' and 'you are worthy',

those things really help you.



--Demi Lovato

That moment

when you realize you've had

you're earphones on for an hour ,

but didn't play anything


Format by Sandrasaurus

I don't need a boyfriend.
                      All I need is a backstage pass so I can      meet my husband.


DO NOT ERASE THE FORMAT CREDIT© format by: br0kenwings
nmq - Awesomeusername23

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