
Joined: September 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 217491
Location: Minnesota
Gender: F
Hi, I'm Dena and I'm 15 years old.

I'm busy having no reason to live.
(+) Jolly Ranchers, Alcohol, Boys who smell good, Hedgehogs, Fluffy things, Music
(-) Swagfags, People who can't spell or don't have proper grammar, Slow texters.

 photo STITCHHH_zpsad59c8a7.gif  photo stitchhearts.gif

Quotes by DenaAnn

All he said was"Bye" to me
And I was blushing for 15 minutes.

                                          [x[x[x]            a n d  I  don't  want  the  world  to  see  me     
cause don'
                       ((  THINK      THAT    [  THEY'D  ]   )) 

"She had a way of seeing
the beauty in others, when
that person could not see it

You inspire my inner serial killer.
                                         I'm constantly trying to make people feel better
                                         about themselves because I know what it's like
                                         to feel bad about yourself.

Put flowers on my grave
so for once
I might look beautiful♥


If we are born to die and we all die to live,
then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?


Every storruns, runs out of  rain
Just like every dark night turns into day.
Everheartache will fadaway,
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain.

Black tears rolling down from the eyes of an angel, in a sinner's town.. ♥

It'hard to get by
just upon a smile.

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