
Joined: May 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 177962
It's Shaunae, and I'm new to witty. A few little things about me: I love quotes, although I suck at writting them I love to read them. I love music, I would probably die without it. I only have two real friends and they keep me alive. I'm still not over my first and only boyfriend. I love feeling needed. I love thunderstorms and dancing in the rain. Going for walks alone help me when I'm mad/sad. I'm very shy, but I love to be around people. I love learning new things. Just like every other teenage girl I have my insecurities that I'm trying to get through. Thank you everyone on witty for accepting me and my struggles. =)

Quotes by Coly

When people tell you "Whoa you're grumpy" it just MAKES you grumpier than you were before! -_-
Just like good times dont last forever
Bad times dont last forever either :)
Why am I afraid
to loose you
when you're not even mine...?
If love isnt a game...
Then why are there so many players?
You can't be a lover
without being a fighter
you have to fight for the

one you love....
I'll never be good enough will I....?
She's so lucky, she's a star 
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night?
I just feel like bawling my eyes out.... Is there even a point anymore...?
My give a damns busted!

Don't judge someones choices
without firts knowing their reasons